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Parkway District Improvement…. 10/16/20071. Outcomes  Why we are in District Improvement.  What is DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT?  How we got this rating. 

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Presentation on theme: "Parkway District Improvement…. 10/16/20071. Outcomes  Why we are in District Improvement.  What is DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT?  How we got this rating. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Parkway District Improvement…. 10/16/20071

2 Outcomes  Why we are in District Improvement.  What is DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT?  How we got this rating.  What does this mean for Parkway?  What does this mean for South High?  Assessment website Assessment 10/16/20072

3 What is DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT?  Adequate Yearly Progress  Test data is reported by economic background, race and ethnicity, English proficiency and disability.  Measuring progress by subgroups will demonstrate not just that overall student performance is improving, but also that achievement gaps are closing between disadvantaged students and other students.  Holding schools accountable for the academic achievement of all subgroups ensures that no child is left behind.  10/16/20073

4 To be held accountable, a school must have the following number in each of 9 subgroups taking the test…  All students (30)  American Indian (30)  Asian/Pacific Islanders (30)  African American (30)  Hispanic (30)  White (30)  IEP (50)  LEP (50)  Free/Reduced Lunch (30) 10/16/20074

5 Must meet the yearly target set by NCLB  Communication Arts  2005: 26.6  2006: 34.7  2007: 42.9  Math  2005: 17.5  2006: 26.6  2007: 35.8  AYP = meeting both content areas, all subgroups held accountable for. 10/16/20075

6 Must meet the yearly target set by NCLB: South High 2007 is accountable for SIX groups in 11 th grade Comm. Arts Comm. Arts Target All KidsAsian/ Pacific Islander BlackWhiteFRLIEP 42.964.267.631.7 (CI)69.429.7 (CI)21.4  AYP = meeting both content areas, all subgroups held accountable for 10/16/20076

7 Must meet the yearly target set by NCLB: South High 2007 is accountable for FIVE groups in 10 th grade Math Math TargetAll KidsBlackWhiteFRLIEP 35.856.914.363.913.513.6  AYP = meeting both content areas, all subgroups held accountable for 10/16/20077

8 Why is Parkway in District Improvement?  We have not made ADEQUATE YEARLY PROGRESS for two consecutive years:  2005-06 (did not meet 4 groups out of 16—2 comarts, 2 math)  African American  Free Reduced Lunch  2006-07 (did not meet 7 out of 16—4 comarts, 3 math*)  African American  Free Reduced Lunch  IEP *  LEP 10/16/20078

9 What does this mean for Parkway?  PARKWAY is accountable for ALL subgroups.  We have enough students in each cell.  Any school district receiving Title 1 funds must meet certain requirements, identified by NCLB.  Requirements differ by years in DI.  District Improvement: 10/16/20079

10 Can exit DI if…  We must remain in DI for two years.  We meet AYP in the content or indicator that caused the initial DI for two consecutive years  NO other content or indicator NOT making AYP 10/16/200710

11 Consequences of DI, Year 1  Letter to all parents  Develop or revise the district CSIP within 3 months of identificationCSIP  Include scientifically based strategies  Identify actions that have the greatest likelihood of addressing achievement  Addressing PD 10/16/200711

12 Also…  Parent involvement  After school involvement  Summer school  Specify responsibilities of DESE 10/16/200712

13 The biggie…. Include specific, measurable targets for each of the groups in the disaggregated data 10/16/200713

14 What does this mean for South High School?  Your school goals must be tweaked to include:  A goal for Communication Arts  A goal for Mathematics  Both measured by MAP  Include specific, measurable targets for each of the groups in the disaggregated data Our school made AYP, why are we part of District Improvement? 10/16/200714

15 Achievement Goal: Can be current CSIP goal, or an additional goal. Must address: Comm Arts & Math MAP scores and label a quantifiable target for proficiency. StrategyStrategy #1Strategy #2Strategy #3 10/16/200715

16 What next?  Data analysis!  PARS Level 1 and II for Administrators  PARS for Counselors  PLAN results to arrive in November  PARS III in planning stages: IBD information with Coordinators  CSIP revisions due by November 24 th.  CSIP revisions presented to Board December 15 th and sent to state. 10/16/200716

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19 Action Steps  The smaller, explicit steps to accomplish a strategy.  Include:  Person Responsible  Data to be collected  Target Date  Funding Source Back 10/16/200719

20 STRATEGY  How are we going to meet the measureable objective?  Your achievement goal will most likely have multiple strategies but one should include the targets by subgroup.  Example: ABC School will raise the achievement levels of the 4 subgroups represented to the following levels: African American to 55.7%, IEP to 46.9 %, Asian Pacific Islander to 69.8 %, LEP to 33.4 %.  Back Back 10/16/200720

21 Example: ABC School will raise the proficiency level of all students as measured by The Communication Arts portion of the MAP test to the a level of 66.7%. (this number may be the Safe Harbor target) FAQ: What if our safe harbor target is above the federal target? ANSWER Back 10/16/200721

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25 Continue to use the safe harbor number provided even though It is higher than the federal benchmark. We don’t want to show regression. Back 10/16/200725

26 The number of students in your schools subgroups all contribute to the total Parkway number of students in each subgroup. Back 10/16/200726

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