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Teacher Listening/Computer Vocabulary Seatwork/Silent Read Center Assignments.

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1 Teacher Listening/Computer Vocabulary Seatwork/Silent Read Center Assignments

2 A Big Fish For Max - ELA Lesson Plans Genre: Animal Fantasy Materials:: Big Books, CD songs, Chart tablet, sound cards, Decodable readers, letter tiles, graphic organizer, Leveled Readers, non-fiction books relating to fish or ocean life Target Skills and Common Core Standards Phonemic Awareness: Segment /Count phonemes CC1RF2d - Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds. Phonics: digraphs sh, th vowel sound in ball CC1RF3 - Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. (a) Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs; (b) Decode regularly spelled one- syllable words. Grammar/Writing: Nouns CC1L1-Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking; (b) Use common, proper, and possessive nouns. Comprehension Skill: Main Idea CC1RL1- Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. Language: Vocabulary/categorizing CCL5a - Sort words into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. I Can Statements: I can decode, read, and tell about words using my phonic skills.. I can read and tell about vocabulary words. I can sort words into categories. I can talk about the main idea of a story. I can ask and answer question to help me understand words and test. I can spell words that follow a regular pattern. I can spell words that do not follow a regular pattern. I know that a noun is the name of a person, place, thing or idea. ªI know that I start sentences with a capital letters and end sentences with the correct punctuation mark. I can categorize words. Science/Social Studies I know that things are needed for all things to survive. I know the importance of family in neighborhood. 7:45-8:00 Children unpack, use the restroom, get a drink, sharpen pencils and begin Early Bird. Send first three arriving iStation students to computer lab immediately upon arrival: 8:00-8:10 Take attendance, name line leaders and table captains. Students complete Early Bird. 8:10-8:30 Morning Greeting and Calendar Math

3 Monday Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:30-8:45 Strategic Intervention 8:50-9:10 On Level 9:15-9:35 Restroom Break Working Snack 9:35-9:40 Morning Share Literature 114M Sing With Me Book/ CD Big, Round World List Amazing Words desert Forest world Target Skills: I can put the sound /sh/ with sh and /th/ with th. I can blend and read words with sh, th.. Use ppt. to introduce target skill. I do We do You do. Students will use wipe off boards when directed in the ppt. Sort words with digraphs sh/th TM 10o Decodable Reader #13 - DI16 Highlight words with sh/th in homework story. Re-read orally 3 times for fluency. Phonemic Awareness: Segment/Count Phonemes TM10m Sort words with digraphs sh/th TM 10o Decodable Reader #13 - TM 10p Highlight short sh/th words in homework story. Re-read orally 3 times for fluency. Phonemic Awareness: Segment/Count Phonemes TM10m Focus Lesson Whole Group 9:45-9:50 Listening Comprehension Anchor Chart TM11a The main idea is what a story is about. Details are small pieces of information that tell more about the main idea. Good readers look for the main idea. Teach Song -show chart Discuss main idea/details of Animal Park Advanced 9:55-10:15 Enrichment 10:20-10:40 Focus Lesson Whole Group 10:40-11:00 Read Advanced Selection #7 DI17 Phonemic Awareness: Segment/Count Phonemes TM10m - use words from Advanced selection #7 Also sort these words sh/th Discuss reading section of endangered birds to record. Introduce new book on Ocean Fish and Vocabulary. Do analogies Puzzle. Grammar Teach/Model Nouns Grammar Transparency #7 TM 11d Teach Song about Nouns Teacher Read Weekly Selection to class as a way of introducing the story. It is important that the students hear or read the selection everyday.

4 Math 11:00-11:50 See Math Section of Lesson Plan Book Thursday Scholatic Reader/ Daily Geography iStation make up Teacher Math Topic iPads Skills Review Math Game Green GroupBlue GroupYellow Group Green GroupBlue Group Lunch 11:57-12:22 Story Time 12:24-12:42 MAPS Monday PE 12:45-1:30 Tuesday Music 12:45-1:30 Wednesday PE 12:45-1:30 Thursday Library 12:45-1:15 Friday Art 12:45-1:30 Check Early Bird 1:34-1:42 Recess 1:45-2:00 Math - complete rotation schedule 2:10-2:30 TeacheriPadsSkill Review Blue GroupYellow GroupGreen Group RTI- Reading 2:30-2:55 iSTationTeacher MWF - Tier 2 TT - Tier 3 MWF - Tier 3 TT- Tier 2 Dismissal Bus children pack up and line up and be ready to go when called. All others pack up and rainbow write spelling words.

5 Tuesday Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:30-8:45 Strategic Intervention 8:50-9:10 On Level 9:15-9:35 Restroom Break Working Snack 9:35-9:40 Morning Warm Up TM 12a Share Literature TM 12b Big Book List Amazing Words commute subway Build Concepts Phonemic Awareness: Blend/Segment Phonemes Vowel Sound in ball Teach/Model TM 12c Build Words TM 12d Use magnetic letters or dry erase markers. Highlight words with al in homework story. Decodable Reader #14 - DI18 Re-read orally 3 times for fluency. Vowel Sound in ball Teach/Model TM 12c Build Words TM 12d Use magnetic letters or dry erase markers. Highlight words with al in homework story. Decodable Reader #14 - TM 12f Re-read orally 3 times for fluency. Focus Lesson Whole Group 9:45-9:50 Listening Comprehension: Main Idea Refer to Anchor Chart from Monday. Sing Song - see ppt. Good readers look for the main idea. Advanced 10:00-10:20 Enrichment 10:25-10:45 Focus Lesson Whole Group 10:45-11:00 Build Words TM 12d Use magnetic letters or dry erase markers. Introduce Leveled Reader. - School Rules LR7 Chapter Book Vocabulary Work Writing Prompt Analogies You will have to either delete this section or add your own plans for your enrichment group, These are the children who are reading above grade level. Listen to A Big Fish for Max Build Background Sing With Me/Background Building Audio

6 Wednesday Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:30-8:50 Strategic Intervention 8:55-9:15 On Level 9:20-9:40 Restroom Break Working Snack 9:30-9:35 Word Web Writing on Wednesday! TM 14e Use this writing for a Writing Grade This will take 4 days. Day One Make the web. It would be fun to go on a fishing trip. Have children think/pair/share what they would take on a fishing trip or where they would go. Make the web using the students’ ideas. Children will be instructed to copy the web and choose 3 of the details during center time. Teacher will want to copy the web, take a picture of the web, or put it on chart paper to be used as a reference for Day 2. TM 14 g Read: A Big Fish for Max Pages 14-29 Incorporate comprehension skill and strategy during the guided reading of the selection story of the week. TM 14 g Read: A Big Fish for Max Pages 14-29 Incorporate comprehension skill and strategy during the guided reading of the selection story of the week. Focus Lesson Whole Group 9:40-9:50 Grammar Sing the Noun Song Make a list of nouns in the story of A Big Fish for Max Advanced 9:55-10:15 Enrichment 10:20-10:30 Spelling Pre-Test 10:35-11:00 Read A Big Fish for Max Use Routine on D21 Briefly meet with enrichment group. Assign them to partner read and then record their favorite section of their current reading selection. Teacher give spelling pre-test to all children. Those making a 100% on the test today do not have to take the test on Friday.

7 Thursday Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:30-8:50 Strategic Intervention 8:55-9:10 On Level 9:15-9:30 Restroom Break Working Snack 9:30-9:35 Word Web Writing Day 2 Make a list of “juicy” words to add to the word web created on Day 1 of Word Web Writing. Students will be instructed to add a juicy word to the three details that were chosen on Day 1. The assignment will be completed during center time. TM 14 g Read: A Big Fish for Max Pages 14-29 Incorporate comprehension skill and strategy during the guided reading of the selection story of the week. TM 14 g Read: A Big Fish for Max Pages 14-29 Incorporate comprehension skill and strategy during the guided reading of the selection story of the week. Focus Lesson Whole Group 9:40-9:50 Grammar Sing the Noun Song Make a list of nouns in the story of A Big Fish for Max Advanced 9:55-10:15 Enrichment 10:20-10:3 Spelling Pre-Test 10:35-11:00 Read A Big Fish for Max Use Routine on D21 Briefly meet with enrichment group. Assign them to partner read and then record their favorite section of their current reading selection.

8 Friday Computer Lab 8:15-9:00 Whole Group 9:00-9:45 iStations Type spelling words or copy fluency sentences., or word families. Writing the Web Day 3 Students are to make their final draft of the web writing. Students are to illustrate their work. The illustration needs to match the picture. Use Price Rubric to grade papers. This activity will be completed while teacher is assessing other students. Reading Selection Test 9:40-10:10 Spelling Test Teacher guided selection test.Teacher administer spelling test. Students who are not taking the test may: Complete word web Read silently Read with a partner Finish Center work from the week Listen to a story

9 Math 11:00-11:50 See Math Section of Lesson Plan Book Thursday Non-Fiction Writing 1:15-1:34 Lunch 11:57-12:22 Story Time 12:24-12:42 Extended Text MAPS Monday PE 12:45-1:30 Tuesday Music 12:45-1:30 Wednesday PE 12:45-1:30 Thursday Library 12:45-1:15 Friday Art 12:45-1:30 Restroom Break Check Early Bird 1:34-1:42 Recess 1:45-2:00 RTI - Reading 2:05-2:35 TeacheriStaionSilent Read/AR M Tier 3Tier 2 Silent read AR tests Partner Read Listening Stations T Tier 2Tier 3 W Tier 2 T Tier 3 F Tier 2 RTI - Math 2:35-2:55 Use this time to work with those struggling with counting, recognizing numbers to 120, tallying, odd/even, etc. Dismissal Bus children pack up and line up and be ready to go when called. All others pack up and rainbow write spelling words.

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