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Which countries can you name… or are you familiar with… from the Middle East? Why is it relevant to Americans to study this area?

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Presentation on theme: "Which countries can you name… or are you familiar with… from the Middle East? Why is it relevant to Americans to study this area?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which countries can you name… or are you familiar with… from the Middle East? Why is it relevant to Americans to study this area?

2 Building on Research Skills Databases in Power Library

3 Lesson Essential Questions How can I expand my personal knowledge? Why is it important to use a variety of resources?

4 How to Find Non-Fiction Articles in Power Library By Faust Librarians

5 142 Academic Libraries 719 High School Libraries 407 Middle School Libraries 1,089 Elementary School Libraries 567 Public Libraries 89 Special Libraries 29 Intermediate Units Total in the Database: 3,042 What is Power Library? A project of the PA Dept. of Education and the Office of Commonwealth Libraries that provides resource sharing among the state’s libraries via the World Wide Web. It is the largest statewide union catalog.

6 Power Library What does Power Library supply to schools? -Free databases database definition: A set of data grouped together in one location in a computer. A computerized database has been likened to an electronic filing cabinet of information arranged for easy access.

7 What is the Advantage of Using a Database? -Reliable Content -Articles are easy to find -Geared towards reading levels -Students will use databases for research in college

8 How can I use Power Library? for personal student research Auto Repair Health Online Encyclopedias Finding Books Newspaper/Magazine Articles

9 How can I use Power Library? Find articles related to your curriculum research project –Look at the subject headings Biography Find a Book Literature General Reference –Student Research Center –SIRS Discoverer

10 How do I access Power Library? from school Free access from home Need to have a public library card

11 Works Cited “About Access PA”. Access Pennsylvania. Pa. Department of Education. 2009 1 Dec. 2009 “Database.” Dictionary Reference. 2009 19 Nov. 2009

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