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2013-2014 Teacher Survey Highlights R&E/LWW May2014.

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1 2013-2014 Teacher Survey Highlights R&E/LWW May2014

2 2 2013-14 Survey Quick Facts Response Rate  Teacher response rate increased by (+5) percentage points, a statistically significance difference in last year’s survey participation  3251 of 5246 identified teachers completed the District Survey  More than 67 campuses had response rates of (75% or more) Measured Themes  Instruction & Data Usage  Student Personalization  Instructional Leadership (School Management)  Administrator Efficacy/Interactions  Teacher Engagement & Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)  Teacher Collaboration How Sure are We About These Results? The reliability coefficient for each identified theme is above.80; reliability coefficients above.70 are acceptable in academic research. R&E/LWW May20141

3 3 What teachers said about... Mission, Motto, Vision, Values  Participating teachers indicated most familiarity with the District Motto (92.2%), the District Vision (91.9%), the District Mission (91.7, and the District Values (90.0%)  Participating teachers reported varying levels of familiarity with district values; however at least 79.7 %of all respondents indicated familiarity with all values Teachers’ Familiarity with MMVV Source: FWISD 2013-14 Teacher Survey R&E/LWW May20142

4 4 Customer Service  95% of participating teachers reported their campus leaders were customer centered  76% of participating teachers perceived District leaders were customer centered What are teachers saying about... Teacher Perceptions that Leadership is Customer Centered R&E/LWW May20143

5 5 Safety & Security 99% of responding teachers reported knowing lockdown procedures More than 97% of responding teachers reported their campus could respond positively in an emergency 88% of responding teachers indicated their school was a safe place to work What teachers said about... R&E/LWW May20144 Source: FWISD 2013-14 Teacher Survey

6 6 2013-14 Teacher Highlights Please use these colors in order to maintain consistency. TEACHER HIGHLIGHTS  96% of participating teachers indicated satisfaction using FOCUS as a means to report attendance  96% of teachers completing the survey reported having a confidant on their campus  95% of participating teachers reported using multiple sources of data often Teacher Perceptions of Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction R&E/LWW May20145 Source: FWISD 2013-14 Teacher Survey

7 7 LEADER HIGHLIGHTS  95% of respondents indicated their principals provided prompt feedback  93% of respondents perceived principals as most effective in using data to identify areas of improvement  99% of participating teachers requiring an annual observation reported being observed at least once this school year Teacher Perception of Administrator Efficacy & Interactions 2013-14 Leader Highlights R&E/LWW May20146

8 8 STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS  97% respondents reported valuing student feedback of their instruction  87% of respondents reported students to be respectful  72% of respondents report their school communicates with parents on how to assist with learning at home Student Highlights Teacher Perceptions of Student & Parent Engagement R&E/LWW May20147 Source: FWISD 2013-14 Teacher Survey

9 9 2012/13 – 2013/14 Teacher Survey Trend Comparisons Measured Themes 2012/13 to 2013/14 Measured Themes 2012/13 to 2013/14  Instruction  Data Usage  Student Personalization  Instructional Leadership (School management)  Administrator Efficacy  Administrator Interactions  Teacher Engagement  Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)  Teacher Collaboration Key Findings 2012/13 to 2013/14 Key Findings 2012/13 to 2013/14  Teachers report more frequent meetings with principals  Teachers report increased collaboration with other teachers  Teachers agree the District uses data to inform instructional  Teachers indicated continued satisfaction with the use of PLCs How Does Identifying Trends Help Us?  Trend analysis helps us to identify areas of strong performance.  Trend analysis helps us to identify opportunities for improvement.  Trend analysis provides evidence to inform decision-making. R&E/LWW May2014 8

10 10  Instruction questions gauge the extent to which teachers are comfortable using the instructional tools provided by the district and whether these tools are beneficial to instruction.  Data Usage questions measure teachers’ comfort with using different types of student data in guiding instruction.  Instructional Leadership (School Management) questions include perceptions of principals’ visibility and access, and how principals create positive cultures on their campuses.  Administrator Efficacy questions gauge how well principals manage instruction and student achievement efforts.  Administrator Interactions questions ask teachers how often activities which support instruction are conducted with administrators.  Employee Engagement questions determine whether teachers perceive themselves as engaged on their campuses.  Professional Learning Communities (PLC) questions investigate teachers’ perceptions of shared leadership, shared values and vision, and a culture of collaboration are at their campuses.  PLC Collaboration questions measure how often teachers get the opportunity to engage in activities characteristic of PLCs.  Parent Engagement questions investigate the extent to which teachers perceive the importance of parent engagement, their own ability and inclination to engage parents, and whether parents support students’ learning.  Student Personalization questions measure teachers’ beliefs about students’ plans, how much time they spend toward students’ success and post-secondary plans, and perceptions of bullying at their schools. Definitions of Measured Themes R&E/LWW May20149

11 11 (+/+) Instruction School Management Administrator Efficacy Teacher Engagement Student Personalization (+/+) Positive - Positive Trend Comparisons (+/+) Positive - Positive Trend Comparisons (+/+) Positive – Positive Trend Comparisons 2012/13 to 2013/14 R&E/LWW May201410

12 12 (-/+) Negative - Positive Trend Comparisons (-/+) Negative - Positive Trend Comparisons (-/+) Administrator Interactions PLC Collaboration (-/+) Negative – Positive Trend Comparisons 2012/13 to 2013/14 R&E/LWW May201411

13 13 (+/-) Data Usage Professional Learning Communities (PLC) (+/-) Positive - Negative Trend Comparisons (+/-) Positive - Negative Trend Comparisons (+/-) Positive – Negative Trend Comparisons 2012/13 to 2013/14 R&E/LWW May201412

14 14 (-/-) No themes found low in satisfaction in 2012/13 remained low in 2013/14 (-/-) Negative - Negative Trend Comparisons (-/-) Negative - Negative Trend Comparisons (-/-) Negative – Negative Trend Comparisons 2012/13 to 2013/14  Teachers report lower levels of satisfaction with Parent Engagement. However, Parent Engagement metrics should be revised for 2014/15. R&E/LWW May201413

15 15 Need Additional Information? Department: PE 2 S Office Phone: 817-814-1850 Email: R&E/LWW May201414

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