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MODC Panel, Thursday October 1st Growth and Development: Employee Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "MODC Panel, Thursday October 1st Growth and Development: Employee Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODC Panel, Thursday October 1st Growth and Development: Employee Learning

2 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Table Topics What is the most effective training or development event that you have ever participated in? What made it so? What are your biggest challenges with respect to training and developing your employees ?

3 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Introductions Maureen Ennis ColemanEnnis, The Alternative Board Teri Sciamarelli Case Handyman and Remodelling Patrice Ventura Meridian Health

4 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Why Is Learning Important? No matter what your business, we are all transacting and competing in a knowledge based economy. Companies with employees that quickly learn new skills and practices, adapt to change and continuously grow and develop will win. Learning is a Critical Success Factor for your business’ future

5 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 How/Where it Appears Training Development Learning Alignment Engagement New Hire Compliance Management Skills Training –Sales –Cust Svc –New technology Changing Process

6 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 What Transition Looks Like… “I know why it is important and what is expected of me” “I am learning a new way of working, I am committed” “I am using the new tool/process and have let go of old practices” “It’s part of how I get work done and I invent new ways of using it” Awareness Adoption Adaption Acceptance

7 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Did You Know? 86% of all skills training failed to get participant to competence. It takes the average 7-8 times to practice something for it to sink in

8 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Terri – Small Business Perspective Training is part of an overall strategy of hiring and retention Gotta treat them like people…. Dealing with the challenge of people who think they know it all already….

9 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Top Reasons Training/Learning Initiatives Fail Not given enough time Not enough interaction Poorly designed No structure for practice Not reinforced back at work place Not connected to what is going on at work Doesn’t deal with real issues Too Much content, info overload

10 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Patrice Connect to the Big Picture Communicate Across Generations Engage at All Levels Design a Robust Curriculum Build a Culture of Excellence

11 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Learning Best Practices Hire good people who are curious, and have the right behaviors, values and attributes Communicate expectations, communicate expectations, communicate expectations Reward and recognize good performance Leverage technology to document your processes for new employees and to refresh everyone when needed Create forums for employees to help each other- Peer Support Mind your mindset: Learning is an investment in your most precious capital, not an expense Make development a robust process in your organization

12 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 Low Cost Learning Resources Kantola YouTube PodCasts Ted Drip Campaigns for onboarding One Note, Automated ppt, Video

13 Contact us at: 732.779.7322 True North

14 Change starts with the right people sitting down and imagining what could be. Leadership is required to align people, processes & technology. This requires complex planning and a skill for execution. Smart Planning for Complex Change. ColemanEnnis provides flexible resources, advisory services and facilitation to help organizations of all sizes define and achieve their vision. Learn more or contact us for a complimentary assessment at

15 Contact us at: 732.779.7322

16 Contact us at: 732.779.7322

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