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CCSDS Security Working Group Program Space IT Security Standards Products Howard Weiss SPARTA, Inc. (a Parsons Company) 443-430-8090.

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Presentation on theme: "CCSDS Security Working Group Program Space IT Security Standards Products Howard Weiss SPARTA, Inc. (a Parsons Company) 443-430-8090."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCSDS Security Working Group Program Space IT Security Standards Products Howard Weiss SPARTA, Inc. (a Parsons Company) 443-430-8090

2 Agenda Purpose Problem statement Example threats Documents – The Security Portfolio

3 Security WG Purpose Develop Security Recommendations Develop security guides and informative documents Provide advice and guidance to all CCSDS WGs Space Data Link Security Protocol (joint dev) S/C monitor & Control, Space Link – Encryption Protocols, – Authentication Protocols – Key Management Protocols

4 Problem Statement “Low cost” acquisition and transmitting equipment and services Unencrypted “cleartext” Commands and Telemetry – What if the information is intercepted by unfriendly adversary Replay commands at later time Modify then replay commands at another time Use your data against you (“unencrypted UAV syndrome”) Unauthenticated Telemetry and Commands – What if you don’t care if an adversary gets the data ; “It’s just science data!” Dual use technology Did the command arrive unmodified? (authentic) – Did authorized organization transmit it? (authenticated, not replayed) “Proprietary/Legacy” solutions lack cross support Many security standards but so few work well in space environments.

5 Space Elements Space Debris Replay Link Jamming Unauthorised Access Software Threats System / Network Replay Link Jamming Interception (theft) Unauthorised Access Software Threats Traffic Analysis Control Replay Unauthorised Access Software Threats Social Hacking Physical Attacks Users Interception Software Threats Social Hacking Physical Attacks Hardware Failure Example Threats

6 RF DB Relay Satellite owned By company B RF DB Bus TT&C Instrument owned by agency F Instrument owned by agency B OBD H Satellite owned by company A RF GSG Owned by company B Ground Tracking Network DB Spacecraft Control Centre Owned by Agency A Agency B Instrument Control Centre DB Science Facility DB University A SLE FTP Jamming Eavesdropping Replay Unauthorized Access Traffic Analysis Data Modification Denial of Service Eavesdropping Replay Unauthorized Access Traffic Analysis Data Modification Replay Unauthorised Access Software Threats Replay Unauthorised Access Software Threats Eavesdropping Denial of Service Data Modification Replay Unauthorised Access Software Threats Denial of Service Social Hacking Replay Unauthorised Access Software Threats Denial of Service Social Hacking


8 Security WG Document Tree

9 Security WG Document Conception

10 Published Document Links The Application of CCSDS Protocols to Secure Systems. Green Book. Issue 2. January 2006. Security Threats against Space Missions. Green Book. Issue 1. October 2006. Encryption Algorithm Trade Survey. Green Book. Issue 1. March 2008. Authentication/Integrity Algorithm Issues Survey. Green Book. Issue 1. March 2008. CCSDS Guide for Secure System Interconnection. Green Book. Issue 1. November 2007. Space Missions Key Management Concept. Green Book. Issue 1. November 2011. Security Guide for Mission Planners. Green Book. Issue 1. October 2011.

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