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CMA-3 Support to Standardisation 8 th CMA Plenary Meeting in conjunction with NORMAN and EAQC-WISE final meetings Paris, France, 21 st October 08 Ulrich.

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Presentation on theme: "CMA-3 Support to Standardisation 8 th CMA Plenary Meeting in conjunction with NORMAN and EAQC-WISE final meetings Paris, France, 21 st October 08 Ulrich."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMA-3 Support to Standardisation 8 th CMA Plenary Meeting in conjunction with NORMAN and EAQC-WISE final meetings Paris, France, 21 st October 08 Ulrich Borchers, Peter Lepom, Bernd Gawlik

2 2 Agenda Introduction State of the Play of the Mandate to CEN TC 230  Projects  1 st call for tender at CEN level  Consortium forming meeting  Finalisation of the proposal to DG ENTR via CEN CS Next steps

3 3 CMA 2007 – 2009 – Tasks and Deliverables CMA-1 Exchange of best practices STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP PLENARY CMA (GW, SW/MW) CMA-2 QA_QC CMA-3 Standardisation (CEN TC/230) Sharing best practices Identification of gaps and needs Analytical methods, sampling Practical exercises Sediment and biota Follow-up of COM decision Discussion of common strategy (EAQC-WISE) Identification of standards Follow-up of CEN work Links with RTD WG C or WG E (joint meetings) WG E

4 4 CMA-3 Core Activities Identification and evaluation of standardisation needs and appropriate actions related to them  Discussion on standardisation needs related to WFD chemical monitoring  Establishment of lists of  Existing standards fit for purpose  Standards that need to be revised  Standards that need to be developed  Proposal of a) Existing standards for adoption b) Development of new standards mandated to CEN

5 5 Agenda Introduction State of the Play of the Mandate to CEN TC 230  Projects  1 st call for tender at CEN level  Consortium forming meeting  Finalisation of the proposal to DG ENTR via CEN CS Next steps

6 6 Edition of the Mandate to CEN The mandate was edited on 7th April 2008 under the number M/424  Development or improvement of standards in support of the WFD

7 7 Projects Included in the Mandate 5 chemical parameters/groups  1) Organochlorine pesticides:  (incl. alachlor, endosulfan, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, pentachlorobenzene, DDT and metabolites, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, and isodrin)  2) Pentabromodiphenylethers:  analysis of congeners representative for the technical pentabromodiphenylether formulation (incl. BDE28, BDE47, BDE99, BDE100, BDE153, and BDE154)

8 8 Projects Included in the Mandate 5 chemical parameters/groups  3) Tributyltin compounds  4) Chloroalkanes  5) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons:  analysis of PAHs (incl. anthracene, fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(b)fluoran-thene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene

9 9 Projects Included in the Mandate 3 biological items  1) Phytoplankton sampling (lake and marine)  2) Guidance on the estimation of algal biovolume (lake)  3) Fish sampling

10 10 Adoption of the Mandate at CEN level The mandate M424 was accepted by CEN TC 230 members after a formal enquiry A respective resolution was taken at CEN BT Meeting of CEN TC 230 / WG 1 in Hof (Bavaria) on 2008-05-28  Discussion of the 5 chemical projects in WG 1  Discussion of the 3 biological projects in WG 2  Common discussion about the structure and co- ordination of the work  Technical lead of projects by co-ordinators

11 11 First call for tender at CEN level CEN TC 230 has now to submit a concrete proposal on the work (DOW) to DG ENTR  Description of the technical work  Information on the draft consortium  Partners, tasks, duties Therefore a call for tender was launched at the CEN webpage (deadline: 2008-09-05)  Part 1: 8 work packages  Part 2: co-ordinators for chemical and biological projects Submitted proposals  About 20 competent proposals for chemical items  Only 1 proposal for the biological items!

12 12 Evaluation of the proposals Evaluation group:  Secretary and chair of CEN TC 230  DG ENV contacts (Quevauviller, Rodrigez-Romero)  CMA representatives (Carere, Polesello)  JRC representatives (Gawlik)  ECOSTAT representatives (Pokainen) Evaluation meeting on 22 nd Sep. at DG ENV  5 Work package leaders are proposed  Recommendation to re-launch the call for the 3 biological items (4 weeks)

13 13 Consortium forming meeting Invitation to all potential consortium partners  Meeting at 14th November in Berlin Aim of the meeting  Discussion on details of the technical work all 5 chemical projects  Allocation of tasks to partners  Building of 5 working teams  WP co-ordinator and 3 – 4 contributors  Re-consideration of project budgets Consortium for biological items will be identified until end of November Initiation of a common final call

14 14 Agenda Introduction State of the Play of the Mandate to CEN TC 230  Projects  1 st call for tender at CEN level  Consortium forming meeting  Finalisation of the proposal to DG ENTR via CEN CS Next steps

15 15 Submission of a proposal to DG ENTR Final proposal on the execution of the mandate will be submitted to DG ENTR until end of December 2008  Detailed decription of the work  Time schedule  Proposed consortium  Budget Submission of the proposal via CEN CS Negotiation period Kick-off hopefully in spring 2009 (?)

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