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Medieval Society.

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1 Medieval Society

2 Feudal Hierarchy

3 Feudalism: Establishing Order

4 Monarchs During Feudal Times
Monarchs believed in the divine rights of kings. Monarchs gave fiefs to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service. The most important quality in feudalism was loyalty. Dukes were below kings in the feudal hierarchy.

5 Monarchs During Feudal Times (cont.)
William the Conqueror brings feudalism to England, after his victory in the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

6 Lords and Ladies During Feudal Times
Nobles lived on manors with castles and moats. It was the lord’s responsibility to manage and defend his manor and to act as a judge. Ladies were responsible for raising and training their children and overseeing the household.

7 Marriage Marriages were usually to gain land or property.
Marriages were often arranged by parents. Sometimes children were only 4 or 5 years old when they were married. The bride’s family would pay a dowry. Unmarried women were often forced into convents.

8 Marriage (continued) Women and children were the property of the husband/father. Child and wife beating were common, although some rules said that the beating should be reasonable.

9 Knights Armored knights were mounted soldiers.
The code of chivalry was the set of rules of behavior that all knights were expected to live by. At around age 7, a boy would start training to be a knight.

10 Peasants Peasants did most of the work but owned very little.
Most peasants were farmers. Serfs were tied to the land, and if one lord took the land from another, he got the serfs too. The vast majority of the population was peasants.

11 Feudalism Review Continued
Feudalism was based on the need for protection. The most important quality in feudalism was loyalty. Monarchs gave fiefs to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service. Nobles lived on manors with castles and moats. Monarchs believed in the divine right of kings. Dukes were below kings in the feudal hierarchy. Knights wore armor and lived by a code of behavior called chivalry. Peasants worked the land and had very little.

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