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 Land Redistribution Miles Adams, Daniel Foran, Nathan de Bono & Eoin O’Sullivan.

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Presentation on theme: " Land Redistribution Miles Adams, Daniel Foran, Nathan de Bono & Eoin O’Sullivan."— Presentation transcript:

1  Land Redistribution Miles Adams, Daniel Foran, Nathan de Bono & Eoin O’Sullivan

2  Who gained land?  A lot of land was given to the church – William appointed Lanfranc Archbishop of Canterbury.  New cathedrals and abbeys were started in St Albans, Winchester, Salisbury, Rochester and Chichester

3  Region:When:Given to: East Anglia1067de Gael Hereford1067Fitzosbern Kent1067Odo Cornwall1068Moreton Dorset1070de Mordaunt Norfolk1070de Gael Chester1071d’Avranches Shrewsbury1074De Montgomery Surrey1088De Warenne Who gained Land?

4   Eadwine and Morcar lost their respective earldoms after partaking in the rebellions against the Norman regime.  The Godwines lost their sizeable estate, which gave William a vast quantity of land to distribute among his followers. Who lost land


6  Wessex  William FitzOsbern was given a castle in York following the Battle of Hastings, and is thought to have aided William of Normandy in quelling the rebellion in the midlands.  When he died in 1071, fitzOsbern gave his son the Earldom of Hereford, which he had been given in 1067.

7  Northumbria Northumbrian Earls:  Morcar (1065–1066)  Copsi (1067)  Osulf II (1067)  Gospatric (1067–1068)  Robert Comine (1068–1069)  Vacant during Harrying of the North  Gospatric (1070–1072) again  Waltheof II (1072–1075)  William Walcher (1075–1080) Northumbria was one of the regions which went through the most turmoil in its transition from Saxon to Norman rule, and hence the redistribution of land in the region was significant.

8  Northumbria  Waltheof was the son of Earl Siward, who had been appointed Earl of Northumbria by Cnut.  Waltheof had been too young to have any effect on politics in 1066, but he is noted the following year, attempting to gain William’s trust and affections.  William appointed Waltheof Earl of Northumbria, thus helping to secure the north.

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