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Today’s Goal  You will be able to… Today’s Goal  You will be able to…  Describe the functions of the brain structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Goal  You will be able to… Today’s Goal  You will be able to…  Describe the functions of the brain structures."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s Goal  You will be able to… Today’s Goal  You will be able to…  Describe the functions of the brain structures.

3 Neural Networks  Clusters of neurons that form a network of cells  The learn together as a team

4 Glial cells (neuroglia) are the neuron’s support cells  White matter v. gray matter

5 Hindbrain  Medulla: unconscious vital functions like breathing, circulation, etc.  Pons: assists in movement (bridge between cerebrum & cerebellum), eye & face movements Locus coeruleus (body’s response to stress & panic)  Reticular Formation: wakefulness & sleep, alertness, filters stimuli

6  Cerebellum: balance, motor coordination Hindbrain

7 Midbrain Integrates types of sensory info and muscle movements

8 Limbic System TThalamus: Relays sensory info from the body to parts of the brain AAmygdala: Emotional responses, particularly aggression; attention to novel stimuli

9 Limbic System  Hypothalamus: Maintains homeostasis: regulates body temperature, hunger, thirst, blood pressure, hormones, etc. Hippocampus: Formation of memories  Pituitary Gland: “Master gland” – secretes hormones

10 Basal Ganglia  Collection of nuclei in the white matter of the brain’s cortex  Modifies movement (like cerebellum)  Includes: caudate, putamen, nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus (you don’t need to know all of these)  Damage to basal ganglia associated with Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases

11 Cerebrum  Cerebrum: Surface of brain, two hemispheres, thinking & language

12 Hemispheres of Cerebrum  Left Hemisphere: Logic, language, math, details  Right Hemisphere: Visual-spatial tasks, creativity (art & music)


14  Corpus Callosum: Thick bundle of fibers which connects the two hemispheres

15 Cerebral Cortex  Cerebral Cortex: Wrinkled, convoluted surface – divided into four lobes

16  S Speaking, voluntary movement, judgment, planning, personality

17  Receives incoming touch, pressure, and pain sensations from the body

18  Located at the rear of the brain  Involved in the reception and interpretation of visual information

19 LLocated on the side, slightly above ears IInvolved in reception and interpretation of auditory stimuli IInfo processing


21  Motor Cortex: Rear of frontal lobes, voluntary movements

22  Somatosensory Cortex: Front of parietal lobes, process body touch & movement sensations

23 Language & the Brain  Broca’s Area: Physical production of speech, language outputs  Broca’s Aphasia: Inability to physically speak words, make coherent speech

24 Language & the Brain WWernicke’s Area: Comprehension of language, language “inputs” WWernicke’s Aphasia: Inability to understand language/words


26 Hemispheres of the Brain

27 Left Hemisphere: Rational, Logical  Language  Math  Responds to verbal instructions  Right side of body

28 Right Hemisphere: Intuitive, Artistic  Visual imagery  Music  Spatial abilities  Responds to demonstrated instructions  Left side of the body


30 The Split-Brain Experiments  1960’s, Roger Sperry  Epilepsy – seizures spread to other hemisphere through corpus callosum  In his operations, the entire corpus callosum was severed – hemispheres completely independent of one another  "The great pleasure and feeling in my right brain is more than my left brain can find the words to tell you.“ ~Roger Sperry

31 The Split-Brain Experiments  Michael Gazzaniga – more experiments Patients appeared normal (talk, read, alert, etc.)  BUT…if patient held up something like coffee cup in left hand, couldn’t speak its name If object in right hand, no trouble at all  Printed word “LOUSE” visible only in left visual field, couldn’t read  put in right side, could read it fine Right vision field is connected to the left hemisphere. Left vision field is connected to the right hemisphere.

32 Split-Brain Operations  Only sever portion of corpus callosum (splenium remains intact)  Split brain patients learn very quickly how to keep both sides in communication

33 The Two-Brain Myth  There is no activity to which only one hemisphere makes a contribution. While they “specialize” in areas, the areas are not completely exclusive to one hemi  Logic not completely confined to left hemisphere People with damage to right hemi. show more deficits in logic than damage to left hemi.  It is impossible to educate one hemisphere at a time.  There is no evidence that people are purely “left- brained” or “right-brained”

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