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Teaching Math Before Technology Presented by: Niobrara High School Math Teacher -- Robert S. Rail.

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2 Teaching Math Before Technology Presented by: Niobrara High School Math Teacher -- Robert S. Rail

3 THE AGENDA 1. Tools vs Crutches 2. 3 Rules of Math 3. When a Tool Becomes a Crutch 4. Tools for Math Students 5. Where From Here?

4 Tools Versus Crutches

5 Technology: A Tool or a Crutch?  Tools – –Make A Task Easier –Increase Productivity –Add Efficiency to a Task  Crutches – –Compensate for an Impairment –Awkward to Use, Even with Practice –Decrease Productivity and Efficiency

6 When We Hand a Student a Calculator Before He / She Knows How to Calculate, Did We Give Them a Tool or a Crutch?????

7 FIRST 3 RULES OF MATHEMATICS 1. Simplify … …the Problem 2. Simplify … …the Process 3. Simplify … …the Answer

8 Simplify the Problem  Determine Which Answer Is Wanted  Determine Which Information is Relevant  Discard the Rest  Kansas City, MO is 187 miles south of Omaha, NE. If I leave at 10:00 AM and travel 60 MPH, will I be in time to see a 3:00 PM show at the Crown Center?

9 Simplify the Process 1. Grouping Symbols 2. Exponents and radicals 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Addition 6. Subtraction As it occurs from left to right

10 Simplify the Process  Great  Explanations  Make  Doing  Algebra  Simple 60 * [15:00 (3:00 PM) – 10:00 ] > 187 (Y or N)

11 Simplify the Answer  Combine Like Terms  Reduce Fractions  Put Radicals in the Numerator  Convert: –Negative Exponents in Numerator to Positive Exponents in the Denominator –Negative Exponents in Denominator to Positive Exponents in the Numerator  And the Answer is:

12 Simplify the Answer  Barring a Traffic Jam YES!

13 When A Tool Becomes A Crutch  Mental Math Versus the Calculator  Why Do We Defend Students Who: –Can’t / Won’t Do Basic Table Math? –Insist on a Tool When Their Brain is Better?  Why Are There Pictures on Cash Registers? (Okay, Not a Math Teaching Issue, but I Still Wonder)

14 Tools for Math Students  Brain  Fingers & Toes  Arithmetic Tables  Pencil, Paper, Compass, Protractor  Books (Reading is a BIG Plus in Math)  Practice  Slide Rule  Calculators, Cell Phones, iPads, PCs

15 Where from Here?  Teach and Apply the Basics  Assess Them to Until They Drop  No Calculators Before Irrational Numbers

16 I Cannot Say in my Heart That Technology Does Not Belong in any Classroom; I Can Safely Ascertain That Students Who Can’t (or Won’t) do Simple Math Without a Computational Device Are Hurting Their Chances to Competently Apply the Math in the World Around Them. Pick Any Discipline – Math is Required Even When Technology is Not.

17 Questions? Queries? Posers?

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