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Oregon Response to Intervention Mathematics and RTI Research, Review, and The Beginning of State Support Tammy Rasmussen Oregon RTIi.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Response to Intervention Mathematics and RTI Research, Review, and The Beginning of State Support Tammy Rasmussen Oregon RTIi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Response to Intervention Mathematics and RTI Research, Review, and The Beginning of State Support Tammy Rasmussen Oregon RTIi

2 Oregon Response to Intervention “Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater. -Albert Einstein


4 Oregon Response to Intervention Shifts with the Common Core 1.Focus strongly where the standards focus 2.Coherence: think across grades, and link to major topics within grades 3.Rigor - in major topics pursue: Conceptual understanding Procedural skill and fluency Application with equal intensity

5 Oregon Response to Intervention Data-Based Decision Making with Decision Rules Training Coaching Fidelity Training Coaching Fidelity Standards of Practice Standards of Practice Culture Leadership Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making Professional Learning & Support RTI Essential Components Core Screening Interventions Progress Monitoring SLD Decision Making

6 Oregon Response to Intervention Culture Shifts In considering additional supports for teachers and students within the tiers consider the SHIFT: Content Knowledge Support the thinking not the doing! Be intentional Allow for productive struggle ASCD: Instigating Thinking in Math Class, Jessica Hiltabidel

7 Oregon Response to Intervention Dividing fractions don’t ask why, flip the second one over and multiply.

8 Oregon Response to Intervention Empowerment!


10 Culture Embrace disequilibrium Explicitly teach disequilibrium Unpack the brain Growth Mindset! (MP1)

11 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice HABITS Oregon RTI – Time, Materials, and Instructional Strategies

12 Oregon Response to Intervention Standards for Mathematical Practice 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4.Model with mathematics 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6.Attend to precision 7.Look for and make use of structure 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

13 Oregon Response to Intervention

14 Mathematics “Habits of Mind” 1.I make sense of problems 2.I critique the reasoning of others (I construct viable arguments) 3.I attend to precision 4.I persevere in solving problems 5.I use appropriate tools strategically 6.I model with mathematics 7.I reason abstractly and quantitatively 8.I look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 9.I look for and make use of structure

15 Oregon Response to Intervention Remember! Practices lead to the habits which = Empowerment Teach them how to think like a mathematician.

16 Oregon Response to Intervention No Swoop in and rescue students Learned helplessness Frustration Low outcomes Teacher holds the authority Yes Ideas and methods are valued Students have autonomy Appreciation of mistakes as a site for learning for ALL Authority lies in the math “Adding it Up” Kilpatrick et al 2001 Perseverance and Sense-Making Typical Classroom



19 Oregon Response to Intervention Rigorous Tasks Tasks form the basis for students’ opportunities to learn what mathematics is and how one does it, yet not all tasks afford the same levels and opportunities for student thinking. [They] are central to students’ learning, shaping not only their opportunities to learn but also their view of the subject matter. Adding it Up, National Research Council, p. 335, 2001


21 Oregon Response to Intervention Reading Accuracy Rate Prosody Math Efficiency Flexibility Fluency

22 Oregon Response to Intervention RTIi Framework in Mathematics U.S. Dept. of Education

23 Oregon Response to Intervention Intervention Tools and Time 1.IES Practice Guide Recommendations 2.Explicit and Systematic (Content and Instructional Design) 3.Develop depth of understanding


25 Oregon Response to Intervention Coaching

26 Support for 2015 and Beyond Application process Select up to five districts Strong Reading systems in place Coaching and professional development from Oregon RTI team Be watching our website for more information


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