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2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 1 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions An EU Research.

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1 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 1 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Dr Pierre Dechamps Energy Conversion and Transport Unit EC - DG Research

2 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 2 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Structure of the Presentation URationale UCurrent Activities UObjectives for the Future UTowards the European Research Area UEU Technology platform

3 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 3 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Rationale UThe EU is committed to decrease its CO 2 emissions by 8% in 2008-2012 compared to 1990; UPost-Kyoto objectives may be even more stringent to address the climate change problem; UThe EU dependency on fossil fuels is over 60%; UThis dependency ratio is set to increase in the next 30 years in all the available scenarios. CO 2 capture and sequestration can reconcile fossil fuel use with climate protection

4 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 4 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Current Activities 1/2 UCapture Projects +AZEP - Development of a gas turbine based cycle to lower the cost of pre-combustion capture in power plants. (EC : 3.4 m€ - total : 9.3 m€) +GRACE - Development of membranes and looping combustion to achieve a step change in the capture cost. (EC : 2.1 m€ - total : 3.2 m€) USequestration Projects +GESTCO - A study involving most EU geological societies to estimate geological storage potential in Europe. (EC : 1.9 m€ - total : 3.8 m€) A portfolio of projects has been developed under FP5 (1998-2002)

5 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 5 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Current Activities 2/2 USequestration Projects (continued) +SACS and SCAS2 - Support for EU teams monitoring the CO 2 injection in the Utsira aquifer under the North Sea. (EC : 1.2 m€ - total : 2.1 m€) +WEYBURN - Support for EU teams monitoring CO 2 in EOR (1) in Canada. (EC : 1.2 m€ - total : 2.2 M€) +NASCENT - A study of naturally occurring CO 2 reservoirs to understand long term stability. (EC : 1.9 m€ - total : 3.3 m€) +RECOPOL - A demonstration project for the use of CO 2 for ECBM (2) in a Polish coal field. (EC : 1.7 m€- total : 3.4 m€) (1) EOR : Enhanced Oil Recovery (2) ECBM : Enhanced Coal Bed Methane

6 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 6 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Objectives for the Future 1/4 UA vision of the future +CO 2 capture and sequestration applied to large scale power generation can only tackle 25% of the emissions; +Most of the growth in emissions from energy usage comes from transport applications; +Hydrogen could be used in transport and decentralised applications, produced from fossil fuels, with carbon sequestration. +CO 2 capture and sequestration can be applied to biomass and result in negative CO 2 emissions. 75% of the emissions could be avoided in this scenario.

7 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 7 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Objectives for the Future 2/4 URTD Objectives +Capture  70-80 % of total cost - therefore primary objective is to decrease the cost of capture (to below 20 €/ton).  ways envisaged:  pre-combustion capture  post-combustion capture  oxyfuels  A lot can be done - the technologies exist for a long time (e.g. amines) and have been developed for other purposes (e.g. membranes).

8 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 8 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Objectives for the Future 3/4 URTD Objectives +Sequestration  ways envisaged:  geological (saline aquifers, depleted oil and gas fields, unminable coal beds, EOR, ECBM);  chemical;  other innovative ways.  Other ways  oceans - environmentally questioned in Europe;  biospheric sinks - doubtful long term value.

9 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 9 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Objectives for the Future 4/4 URTD Objectives +Sequestration  Issues and objectives  to study long term stability;  to study safety aspects;  to build public confidence to ensure acceptability;  to map geological storage potential. UThe objective is to move towards a global consideration of capture and sequestration technologies in comprehensive, integrated project(s).

10 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 1010 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Towards ERA in this field 1/2 UERA attempts to address the fragmentation of RTD activities in the EU using three basic principles : +Concentration on a selected priority research areas  Sustainable energy systems are a priority  Mitigation of CO2 emissions associated with cleaner fossil fuel power plants is a ‘sub-priority’. +Stronger links with national, regional and other European initiatives; +Co-ordination of Members States activities (see later).

11 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt1 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Towards ERA in this field 2/2 UERA dimension envisaged under FP6: +The new instruments (integrated projects, networks of excellence) will be applied in the field; +A thematic network involving major stakeholders (CO2NET2) has this among its objectives; +A technology platform on CO 2 capture and sequestration might be launched to better integrate efforts and actions;

12 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 1212 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions EU Technology Platform UConcept: a forum to get the appropriate industrial and political backing at the EU level. UParticipants: EC, MS ministries, high level industrialists. UStructure: based on integrated projects and networks of excellence in the field. UGovernance: transparent, improving public awareness and involving NGOs and others at an early stage. UObjectives: to bring CO 2 capture and sequestration to the market place, with Europe in a competitive position.

13 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 1313 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions Co-ordination of Member States Activities UAs part of its ERA strategy, FP6 provides ways to co-ordinate MS activities : +Through Art. 169 +Through “concerted actions” aimed at :  The networking of RTD activities conducted at national or regional level (organising workshops, information and personnel exchange, etc, between MS programmes);  Mutual opening of national programmes (going ultimately towards joint programmes, common calls for proposals, etc).

14 2002 European Commission - Directorate-General for Research CO2 Strategy.ppt 1414 An EU Research Strategy for the Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions International Activities UThe EU is active in the International Energy Agency of the OECD +In the CERT and the WPFF  In the IEA Greenhouse Gas implementing agreement  In the IEA Clean Coal Centre implementing agreement

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