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Wireless Sensing and Control of the Indoor Environment in Buildings  Objective: Develop techniques to improve building operation through intensive wireless.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Sensing and Control of the Indoor Environment in Buildings  Objective: Develop techniques to improve building operation through intensive wireless."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Sensing and Control of the Indoor Environment in Buildings  Objective: Develop techniques to improve building operation through intensive wireless sensing and information technology  Opportunities  Reduce energy use  Increase energy demand responsiveness  Improve comfort and productivity  Improve synergy among systems and occupants  Collaboration:  Center for the Built Environment  CITRIS, BSAC, BWRC, Intel Lab

2 Buildings and Energy  Buildings use more than 1/3 of total energy: (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, Lighting, Equipment)  Roughly half of this in Commercial Buildings, half Residential.  Roughly half is wasted in each.  In offices, HVAC leads the list of occupant complaint topics.  Improvements will come from designs that integrate the building, its mechanical/electrical systems, and its occupants.  Integration depends on improved information about how the building is operating (more sensors, more smarts)

3 What to do? 1) Sense more, where it counts Wireless networks of long-lived sensors Mobile, cheap (~$800/wired sensor) Fit them in ceiling tiles, furnishings, etc. 2) Include the occupants Information Insight Influence

4 Interfaces Input InformationModelsOutput  Weather:  Current  Day’s Forecast  Energy Price:  Current  Hourly forecast  Building’s current energy use and cost  Messages, Alerts:  Utility, Bldg Mg’t.  Occupant input  Building energy use (simulated hourly loads and HVAC system use)  Comfort level  Cost (hourly; energy use x price)  Building control algorithms  Advice Messages  Interactive interfaces show hourly profiles of cost/comfort/energy as a consequence of occupant’s choices.  Occupant actuation of building and equipment  Automatic actuation of building systems  Diagnosis of building performance problems

5 Sensors Now:Maximum of 1 thermostat /room for HVAC (now $800 per installed wired sensor!) Available (but rare):  Light sensors for dimming lights.  Occupancy sensors combined with light sensors for lighting control.  CO 2 -based ventilation controllers Possible:Many!


7 Current Projects  Multi-sensor/single actuator control of temperature What is the benefit of just adding more sensors, as in a retrofit? (see poster)  Control of Stratified Systems Using sensors to manage temperature gradients in underfloor air systems. By optimizing efficiency, encourage adoption of this new technology.  Air velocity measurement Benefits indoor air quality, energy, and comfort  Interface between system and occupants Web-based, 1 st for diagnosing building operations



10 Control of UFAD Systems Conventional Overhead System Underfoor Air Distribution

11 Underfloor Air Supply (See Poster): sensors arrayed vertically improve energy performance

12 Task-Ambient Conditioning

13 Test of Desk Supply Device Maximum whole-body cooling rate: 3-4°C (5-7°F). Similar ΔT possible between adjacent workstations.

14 Mixed-mode Buildings Improved occupant comfort/satisfaction Potential for greatly reduced energy  But: can waste energy unless monitored and controlled  A perfect application for CITRIS smart sensor control A hybrid approach to space conditioning that combines natural ventilation with mechanical ventilation and cooling.

15 Mixed-mode Design  Sophisticated building envelopes and structures  Integration of window systems with HVAC systems  Integrating automatic and occupant control of indoor environment  New systems needed for sensing building conditions and informing occupants  Demo opportunity next year

16 CBE Web-based User Interface  Objective Better energy and maintenance performance  Issues  Occupants are virtual sensors and actuators  Integration of sensor information with occupant information  Collaboration  GSA; prototype in San Francisco this year Energy Management System Maintenance Database Occupants Building Engineers Server

17 User Interface;

18 Air Velocity Measurement  Applications  Heat transfer in rooms and ducts  Ventilation rate, air quality  Perception of comfort, or draft  Benefit: enables mixed-mode building design Picoradio Testbed

19 Future Projects (1)  New Sensors  Occupancy (IR and acoustic motion detection)  Surface temperatures (via longwave IR)  CO2 (proxy for occupancy and air quality)  Light (illuminance and luminance)  Noise  Door & window switches  Plug-sized wattmeters for appliances and office equipment

20 Future Projects (2)  Applications  Control of perimeter zones in buildings:  Thermal control strategies  Shading device control strategies  Optimal sensor configurations  Inclusion of the occupant in the control loop  Interconnection with lighting controls  Other interactions: noise masking, fire, security..  Economic analysis of wireless-enabled systems  Residential  Night ventilation control

21 Future Projects (3)  Information systems for building occupants and operators:  Periodic evaluation of building performance  PDA-sized information displays  Forecasts of climate, energy prices, and building operational choices  Forecasts of consequences of choices offered to occupants

22 And last, the SABER Center proposal Sensors And Building Engineering Research Center Preproposal for an NSF Engineering Research Center. PI: Paul Wright. Large interdisciplinary team. Karma excellent. If successful, final proposal will be due in November.

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