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PowerPoint 2013 for Windows – Powerful Professional Presentations Presented by the Computer Training Center.

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Presentation on theme: "PowerPoint 2013 for Windows – Powerful Professional Presentations Presented by the Computer Training Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 PowerPoint 2013 for Windows – Powerful Professional Presentations Presented by the Computer Training Center

2 Objectives Introduction Composing Guidelines Animation and Media Animation Effects … How to Transitions … How to Running the Slideshow Seven Deadly Sins

3 INTRODUCTION Objective 1

4 Introduction PowerPoint slideshows are the new normal Slideshows are quick to produce, easy to update and effective at delivering visual impact However, slideshows can spell disaster even for experienced presenters This workshop covers tips, pitfalls and creative design suggestions for creating professional slideshows −Compose and create effective slides −Add visual impact with borders, transparency, animation and transitions −Guidelines for presenting your material

5 Key to Success Make certain your slideshow IS a visual aid NOT a visual distraction


7 Target Your Audience Your presentation is for the benefit of the audience Content should always precede design Ask yourself questions about your audience −What do they know and what do you need to tell them? −What do they expect? What will be interesting to them and keep them focused? −What can you teach them? Aim for your slides to include only the essentials

8 Compose the Text Limit the text on the slides

9 Composing the Text (cont’d) Limit the number of slides −Good rule of thumb – one (1) slide per minute of presentation time Take Aways −Instead of a copy of your PowerPoint slides … −Prepare a written document which highlights your content

10 About Images Have more images on your slides than text But do not use images to decorate Use images to reinforce or complement your message Use images to visualize and explain Use high resolution, meaningful images Remember, “a picture is worth a thousand words”

11 Think … KISS Keep It Straight and Simple Keywords only with no sentences Limit Punctuation Be wary of All CAPS

12 About Colors Carefully use color to highlight your message Don’t weaken the color effect by using too many colors Make a brilliant choice: match colors to the design and use high contrast to enhance your message Use appropriate colors: not too bright, be consistent

13 Be Consistent Carefully select font sizes for headers and text Use the Slide Master for consistency Leave room for highlights, such as images or take home messages Decorate scarcely but well Consistently use the same font face and sizes on all slides Place text boxes and images higher on the slides

14 Dos for Creating Slides Be brief −No more than 6 bullets/points per slide Use appropriate fonts −Big (28 pt) or even Bigger (40 pt) but no less than 20 pts −Clear … sans-serif fonts like Arial Rounded MT Bold If possible, test your slides −Run the slide show and see if you can read your slides from the last row of the room Create contrast by using font size and colors


16 Dos and Don’ts When Animating When using animations in PowerPoint, DO keep it simple DON’T over-use animation as it can distract your audience and make your presentations look unprofessional Don’t Be Silly −Use animations and media sparingly −Use animations to draw attention to your Take Home Message −Use animations to clarify a model or emphasize an effect

17 Dos and Don’ts When Animating (cont’d) If a slide has a large amount of content, DO use exit animations when appropriate to remove the clutter Do keep your audience’s eyes moving forward with you −Understand what the audience should be focusing on and DO use animations to encourage that focus DO stick to the same general animations throughout your presentation DO use motion paths to animate process work flows DO give yourself twice as much time as you think it will take to animate

18 Dos and Don’ts When Animating (cont’d) DO limit the animations to the following: −Appear: object simply pops on the screen −Fade: object fades in or out in a way that is more deliberate −Wipe: looks like an invisible eraser wiped the object on or off of the slide −Zoom: the object appears as if from far away, “zooming” forward into position  Good to use when applying emphasis FadeAppear Wipe Zoom


20 The Animation Ribbon The Ribbon includes The Animation Gallery The Effects Options Effect options can include choices like Wipe From Bottom, From Left, From Right and From Top Effects like Split have options to Split Horizontal In, Horizontal Out, Vertical In and Vertical Out Add Animation to animate an object with more than one animation A button to display the Animation Pane Tools to adjust the animation timing and order

21 The Animation Gallery The pre-defined Animation Gallery includes animation types for Entrance Emphasis Exit Motion Paths Click the drop-down arrow for the Animation Gallery and click to select the desired animation

22 How to Build Animation Select the object to be animated Click the Animation Tab to display the Animation Ribbon Click to select the desired Animation

23 Effect Options Based on the selected animation, there may be directional effect options Click Effect Options and select from the various directional options

24 Timing Options Click in the Start field and select when the animation should begin −Options include On Click, With Previous, or After Previous Click in the Duration field and set the length of time the animation will take Click in the Delay field and set the length of time between this animation and the previous one Reorder the sequence of the animated objects by clicking Move Earlier or Move Later

25 The Animation Pane Displays all the animation on a given slide Right-click on an animation to adjust the: −Start Options −Effect Options −Timing −Show/Hide Advance Timeline −Remove animation Use the Up and Down arrows to arrange the order of the animation

26 TRANSITIONS … HOW TO Objective 5

27 Transitions Dos Do consider your audience when selecting Transitions Do use the same transition throughout Do add a different transition only to slides needing special emphasis Do add transitions as the final touch

28 The Transitions Ribbon The ribbon contains −Preview −Transition Gallery −Effect Options −Timing Options

29 Transitions … How To Switch to the Slide Sorter View Single click on the first slide and then press Control + A to select all Click the Transitions Tab and click to select the desired transition

30 Adjust Effect Options and Timing Click the Effect Options drop-down arrow and select from the available options Use the Timing Options to set the duration of the transition Adjust how the slides advance, either on click or after a defined length of time

31 RUNNING THE SHOW Objective 6

32 Practice Know your slides inside out Speak freely Speak with confidence – loud and clear Don’t speak too fast Maintain eye contact with the audience

33 Tips for Presenters Plan carefully Do your research Know your audience Time your presentation Speak comfortably and clearly Check the spelling and grammar

34 Tips for Presenters (cont’d) Do not read the presentation Give a brief overview at the start … then present the information … finally review important points Use a wireless mouse so you can move around as you speak If sound effects or videos are used, wait until the media has finished to speak Do not turn your back on the audience … position the monitor so you can speak from it

35 Shortcut Tools for Presenters Move to the next slide = Page Down Move to the previous slide = Page Up Move to a specific slide = Number + Enter Display a White screen = Shift + W Display a Black screen = Shift + B Display screen of slides to move to specific slide = Shift + G Right click on presentation to display Presenters tools menu

36 SEVEN DEADLY SINS Objective 6

37 Seven Deadly Sins 1. Animation, slide transitions and sound effects −Focus on your message, not the technology 2. Standard clipart −Make certain you need the graphical images to enhance your message −If you do, use your own scanned photographs or better-quality graphics 3. Presentation templates −Create your own distinctive look or use an organizational −Always be sure to comply with the NASA Style guide −Comply with 508 regulations

38 Seven Deadly Sins (cont’d) 4. Text-heavy slides −Don’t draft your slides as your speaker’s notes or to simply project an outline 5. The “Me” Paradigm −Remember the audience and move the circle from “ME” to “WE” 6. Reading −Focus on interactive speaking and listening −Do not just read the slide - the audience can do that without you −Add animation sparingly to create suspense while introducing a topic 7. Faith in Technology −Be prepared with a back-up of your presentation on a CD or a compact-flash memory stick in case of equipment failure −Be ready to engage the audience regardless of the technology that is available

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