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Alarm Fan By: Vincent, Nathan, and Matt. Team Members The members of this group consist of: Vincent J. Nathan C. Matt W.

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Presentation on theme: "Alarm Fan By: Vincent, Nathan, and Matt. Team Members The members of this group consist of: Vincent J. Nathan C. Matt W."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alarm Fan By: Vincent, Nathan, and Matt

2 Team Members The members of this group consist of: Vincent J. Nathan C. Matt W.

3 Introduce Topic Our project was to build an alarm clock that uses a fan to wake you up. This will work when we can find an alarm clock that can supply enough energy to the fan to blow the air in your face. We did this project because all of the members in our group enjoy working with circuitry

4 Work report In the class time that we were given the things we did were: Team meetings- Everyday we had a team meeting Team assignments- We all had a job Research- We did a lot of research to try and find clocks, and fans Team members effort- Our team effort was pretty good toward the end, not so much in the beginning Work Plan- Each day we talked about what we would accomplish in class Trials/Experiments- In our project we definitely had a lot of trials/experiments with trying to get the Alarm clock and the fan to cooperate Feedback- We failed to get feedback of our wiki all except for one time Documentation- Most of our class time was spent on documentation it was very complete had good quality and we put forth a lot of effort towards documentation The changes consist of: New Alarm clocks, Fans, and Work ethic

5 Conclusion To conclude our project was not successful we could not build a alarm clock fan. This did not work perhaps because we did not put forward enough effort to actually finish the project. We would put forth more effort, and get on task way earlier in the project that is what we would do differently. Our conclusions are that next time we are in a group, we shall work harder, and get in the right mind set about the project before the last minute.

6 Media in the presentation The Media we used in this project include: Relevant Videos Appropriate Text

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