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The Outsiders Unit Test Review.

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1 The Outsiders Unit Test Review

2 The Outsiders 100 200 300 400 500 Characters Plot Vocabulary
Literary Elements Grab Bag 100 200 300 400 500

3 Characters $100 This character is known for his long side burns, smart remarks and his prized switchblade, which he shoplifted! Characters

4 Characters $100 Who is Keith “Two-Bit” Mathews? The Outsiders

5 Characters $200 Identify the speaker of the following quote:
“I wasn’t trying to give you charity, Ponyboy. I only wanted to help.” Characters

6 Characters $200 Who is Cherry Valance? The Outsiders

7 Characters $300 Identify the speaker of the following quote: “You better wise up, Pony….. You get tough like me and you don’t get hurt.” Characters $300

8 Characters $300 Who is Dallas Winston? The Outsider

9 Characters $400 Identify the speaker of the following quote: “Sixteen years ain’t long enough. I wouldn’t mind it so much if there wasn’t so much I ain’t done yet and so many things I ain’t seen. It’s not fair. Characters $400

10 Characters $400 Who is Johnny Cade? The Outsiders

11 Characters $500 Identify the speaker of the following quote: “Next time you want to pick a broad. Pick up your own kind. Dirt.” Characters $500

12 Characters $500 Who is Bob Sheldon? The Outsiders

13 Plot $100 What information is given in the exposition that is significant about Johnny’s beating that took place before the novel even began? Plot $100

14 Plot $100 What is that the person who beat Johnny was wearing rings?
The Outsiders

15 Plot $200 Which event in the rising action led to Johnny & Pony walking alone through the playground in the middle of the night? Plot$200

16 Plot $200 What Darry slapped Pony for coming home so late? The Outsiders

17 Plot $300 What does Cherry Valance say that both surprises and disappoints Ponyboy? Plot $300

18 Plot $300 What is “I could fall in love with Dallas Winston. I hope I never see him again”? The Outsiders

19 Plot $400 What does Cherry say is the difference between the Socs & greasers? Plot $400

20 Plot $400 What is that the greaser are too emotional and the Socs are “cool- to the point of not caring.” ? The Outsiders

21 Plot $500 Which event is the climax for each of the following conflicts? Socs vs. greaser Pony vs. himself (his identity as a greaser) Dally vs. himself (his emotions of Johnny’s death) Plot $500

22 Plot $500 What are The rumble Johnny’s letter
Dally holding up the unloaded gun? The Outsiders

23 Vocabulary $100 To sink or settle down Vocabulary $100

24 Vocabulary $100 What is subside? The Outsiders

25 Vocabulary $200 Casual; laid back, calm, cool, & collected.
Sad, gloomy, depressed Vocabulary $200

26 Vocabulary $200 What is nonchalant? What is sullen? The Outsiders

27 Vocabulary $300 Removed, uninterested
To avoid or escape (You must spell this word!) A strong belief Vocab $300

28 Vocabulary $300 What are Aloof Elude Conviction? The Outsiders

29 Vocabulary $400 To hint or imply (You must spell it.)
Socially superior Fear of what may happen A strong belief Vocab $400

30 Vocabulary $400 Allude Elite Apprehensive Conviction ? What are
The Outsiders

31 Vocabulary $500 To sink or settle down
To avoid or escape (You must spell it.) Removed; uninterested To hint or imply (You must spell it.) Marked by honor, courtesy, & generosity Vocab $500

32 Vocabulary $500 Subside Elude Aloof Allude Gallant? What are
The Outsiders

33 Literary Elements $100 This literary elements is a reference to another piece of literature, music, art or an event from history LE $100

34 Literary Elements $100 What is an allusion? The Outsiders

35 Literary Elements $200 This part of the plot is creates a satisfying ending by giving additional events after the outcome of the conflict and tying up any loose ends. LE $200

36 Literary Elements $200 What is denouement? The Outsiders

37 Literary Elements $300 This event was foreshadowed by Robert Frost’s poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”. LE $300

38 Literary Elements $300 What is Johnny’s death? The Outsiders

39 Literary Elements $400 This allusion was used to show the reader how much Johnny admired Dallas Winston and also helped to foreshadow Johnny’s & Dally’s death. Next Slide

40 Literary Elements $400 What is Gone with the Wind? The Outsiders

41 Literary Elements $500 Which allusion reflects the gang’s knowledge that Pony is different from the rest of the gang and that they want him to be successful and make something of himself? LE $500

42 Literary Elements $500 What is Great Expectations? The Outsiders

43 Grab Bag $100 Define simile & metaphor GB $100

44 Grab Bag $100 Simile – an indirect comparison using the words “like” or “as” Metaphor – a direct comparison that describes two unlike things as equal The Outsiders

45 Grab Bag $200 What type of conflict is the following:
Johnny & Pony face a raging fire to save the children in the burning church ? GB$200

46 Grab Bag $200 What is man vs. nature? The Outsiders

47 Grab Bag $300 Which symbol represents Pony feeling like he is no longer a greaser because the one thing that made him feel like he fit in has been taken away from him? GB$200

48 Grab Bag $300 What is cut hair? The Outsiders

49 Grab Bag $400 What is the resolution to the conflict that Pony need to write a theme to pass English class? GB$400

50 Grab Bag $400 Ponyboy writes about his experiences and
those experiences become the book The Outsiders. The Outsiders

51 Grab Bag $500 What two things help Pony resolve the conflict within himself that he is not like the rest of the greasers, and he doesn’t have to try to be? GB$500

52 Grab Bag $500 What are When Two-Bit tells him,”You are not like the rest of us.Don’t try to be.” & Johnny’s letter that tells him to “”That’s gold. Keep that way. It’s a good way to be.” The Outsiders

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