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WELCOME! The required textbook for this course is: Discovering the Universe Ninth Edition By Neil F Comins, & William J. Kaufmann III ( ©2012, W.H. Freeman.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! The required textbook for this course is: Discovering the Universe Ninth Edition By Neil F Comins, & William J. Kaufmann III ( ©2012, W.H. Freeman."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! The required textbook for this course is: Discovering the Universe Ninth Edition By Neil F Comins, & William J. Kaufmann III ( ©2012, W.H. Freeman & Company)

2 Discovering the UNIVERSE, 9/e eBook An ALTERNATE VERSION of the textbook is available at a lower cost in eBOOK form! It includes:  The complete textbook—every word, graphic, table, and problem.  The ability to take notes, highlight, and print.  Resources such as animations, simulations, and practice tests.  Convenient access to your textbook from any Internet connection—no more carrying around heavy books!

3 Book Companion Website

4 Book Companion Website FREE Student Resources include:  Star Charts  Flashcards  Interactive Exercises  Animations  Online student quizzes

5 INTERACTIVE ASTROTUTORIALS Sixty INTERACTIVE ASTROTUTORIALS present astronomy topics, taking advantage of the best means to illustrate each topic using a blend of text, review questions, animations, video, and quizzing to produce a thorough understanding. Available for just $5.00 via the book companion site:

6 NEED SUPPORT? Whether you need technical help working with our media resources, or are interested in purchasing any of our media options, support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (800) 936-6899

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