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Maria Helena Nazaré Universidade de Aveiro Portugal Post 2010 A New Reality.

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Presentation on theme: "Maria Helena Nazaré Universidade de Aveiro Portugal Post 2010 A New Reality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maria Helena Nazaré Universidade de Aveiro Portugal Post 2010 A New Reality.

2 A Decade of Change 2000/2010 Bologna 3 cycle degree structure, ECTS, diploma supplement Greater flexibility of learning paths Convergent National Policy Changes  Institutional autonomy  Funding  Quality Assurance

3 Implementation of Bologna cycles (TRENDS 2010)

4 Impact of National Policies (Autonomy, Funding and Quality) at Institutional level.

5 Impact at European level.

6 Negative demographic trends ( Ireland is the exception). Financial meltdown caused by the banking sector results in a global economic crisis (still!) impacting severely on Europe. Increase in youth unemployment. 40 million migrants; 10% from Síria A Brave New World? Not brave at all and not so new! A NEW OLD ROLE for UNIVERSITIES. The Changed Context 2010------

7 Evolution of 65+ age group 2004-2014 Average age of population 2004 2014

8 unemployment Youth

9 The national policy reform process remains very dynamic but IS NO LONGER CONVERGENT even within the EU. The Changed Context 2010------ impacts HE 451 Institutions, 46 Countries.

10 Funding Reform – the most recurrent policy change The crisis has had a number of consequences:  Different ways of allocating funds: in some cases altering the balance between core and competitive project funding  Growth in the nº of researchers on fixed term contracts  Freezes and contractual changes  Salaries of academic and administrative staff have been cut in a number of countries. Note: Fees an hot topic


12 Funding 2008-2014

13 Student recruitment & Internationalisation The new economic reality- crisis, youth unemployment, requirements of the knowledge society, globalization – has led to additional emphasis on increasing student participation.

14 Notes: Tendency (weak) of large institutions reporting an increase. Decrease attributed to demography and financial situation. Responses about expectations seem to correlate with institutional size and country location, Ex: Czech R, Lithuania and Poland are among the 14% that anticipated a decrease. Looking into the crystal ball

15 Changing composition of the student body over the last five years Notes: Greater diversity of backgrounds. The growth of international students (EU and non-EU) is the main change (may be linked to the possibility of charging higher fees for non-EU students). The Ranking effect!

16 Open access to research publications OA transition must not increase costs – integration into grants University self-archiving The issue of data EUA monitoring national developments and in dialogue publisher groups

17 Challenges  Evolving geographical divide in Europe in terms of investment in universities and negative demography.  Entrenchment of policies previously presented as temporary measures.  Recovery may become increasingly more difficult; loss of competitiveness. Alarming state of universities infrastructure.  Challenge for Europe harmed by these imbalances and weaknesses.  The larger picture: Social Cohesion – generations, migrants

18  Challenges represent Responsibilities and Opportunities for Universities.  Issues which need contribution from all disciplines and research fields plus commitment from academics.  Universities can and should do something about it!  Integrate Knowledge. Educate Citizens! Education ≠ Training. Ethics. Role for Universities

19 Light House

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