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Executive Overview and Beyond (Draft no. 2) Psychosocial.

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Overview and Beyond (Draft no. 2) Psychosocial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Overview and Beyond (Draft no. 2) Psychosocial

2 The Main Proposal Customers: Who is your target market (including segments i.e. tiers)? – Mental Health Specialists (SWs, psychologists, etc.) – Medical Staff – First Responders (fire, EMS, police) – Chaplaincy, Religious Leaders – Trained/Prepared Responders and Receivers – Emergency Managers and Planners – Just in time Volunteer responders – Teachers – Parents/Families/Community/public What are the core consumer needs being addressed? – what are the PS needs of the impacted community – what are the interventions available, recommended – what are PS needs of responders – What are the core standards for the whole group, For the individual Tiers

3 The Main Proposal Customers: What are the core consumer needs being addressed? – what are the PS needs of the impacted community the core PS needs – Safety/Security – Shelter – Sustenance – Resource Replacement – Connection – Comfort/support – Information – Self efficacy, mastery – employment, financial – Special Populations the CBRNE specific needs – evacuation – quarantine – deconamination – inoculation – resource allocation, etc……………………

4 The Main Proposal Customers What are the relevant discernible consumer trends? – silos, for profit models and training, no set standards for trainng and certification What is the consumer decision process, buying influences, and purchase behaviour? – uncertain, what is popular and new, some responders are attached and loyal to a specific models Estimated size of potential market? – unlimited, everyone is a potential PS responders, ie sisters, brothers, babysitters, caregivers and neighbours etc Why is there an unmet need we are uniquely positioned to fill? – the government support to create a standardized response. – the fact that we do not have control of the end response structure, – the fact that the process will be multidisciplinary, and multi-area (medical- psychosocial-media incorporated),

5 The Main Proposal Company (US): How will this product fit in with our teams strength (you need to consider our collaborative team strategy here i.e. our contributing partners). – what is unique is we are interdisciplinary, we have extended scope, extended scale and adiversity experience, not a closed shop, we have no stake in the end result. What are our core competencies going to be? – Still to be determined!!!

6 The Main Proposal Competition: Who are the direct or indirect competitors (substitutes)? – existing models and companies that have developed them – from small pond agency/trainers to gigantic pond multi-national organizations Which competitors should we target? – Small Pond Canada The Hincks, Anna Bara...., Victims Services, Distress Lines, etc – Large Pond Canada Justice Institute, GAP Sante, Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Psychological Association, Salvation Army, WEmergency Management Program, EAPs – Large Pond International (Super Users) Psych 1 st Aid, NOVA, CISM, Green Cross, Red Cross, Salvation Army, DEEP

7 The Main Proposal Competition: What are their strategies? – by strategies what is meant, do you mean what role do they? or what needs do they respond to? Can we convert them to a collaborator and if so how? – the Canadian competitors can likely be brought over to collaboration. The only real proprietary property in this group comes from Red Cross, Justice institute and GAP Sante. – the us groups will be harder to recruit as they have a much bigger proprietary issue their are several large organizations that make profits or influence from what they do What would be the consequence of their not collaborating? – A further competition in models, We become just one model of many. Needs acceptance by end users and “Super Users”

8 Still to Look At Positioning: Translating the opportunity into actual delivery: Finally Leading to: Executive Summary: What is the opportunity, it's nature and scope. Why do you think this opportunity exists.

9 Everything Else 1. Executive Summary: What is the opportunity, it's nature and scope. Why do you think this opportunity exists. 2.The Main Proposal A. Customers What are the relevant discernible consumer trends? What is the consumer decision process, buying influences, and purchase behaviour? Estimated size of potential market? Why is there an unmet need we are uniquely positioned to fill? b. Company (us): How will this product fit in with our teams strength (you need to consider our collaborative team strategy here i.e. our contributing partners). What are our core competencies going to be? b. Competition: Who are the direct or indirect competitors (substitutes)? Which competitors should we target? What are their strategies? Can we convert them to a collaborator and if so how? What would be the consequence of their not collaborating? c. Positioning: A clear outline of positioning strategy for your proposed product line. d. Translating the opportunity into actual delivery: How will you deliver the product/service/experience? What will the actual product be? What is the price (if you can estimate it) How will you distribute it? What is your communication strategy? Are the 4 P's (Product,Price,Position,Place) in keeping with overall strategy? Are there any key research questions that need to be raised before you launch this new product?

10 The Real Question Are there key issues to raise? YES

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