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ADOLESCENCE The Period Between Childhood and Adulthood.

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Presentation on theme: "ADOLESCENCE The Period Between Childhood and Adulthood."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADOLESCENCE The Period Between Childhood and Adulthood

2 What is it? How do we define it? How do we define it? What are the changes that occur? What are the changes that occur? Will you survive? Will you survive? Will your parents? Will your parents? When does it begin and end? When does it begin and end?

3 Is it getting longer or shorter over time?????


5 Biological Markers Puberty: Spurt of Physical Growth Puberty: Spurt of Physical Growth Female: Menarche or menstruation at the average age of 12 1/2, with growth of approx. 3-5 inches in a year. Female: Menarche or menstruation at the average age of 12 1/2, with growth of approx. 3-5 inches in a year. Males: Production of sperm; usually occurs two years LATER than girls, grow 4-6 inches in a year Males: Production of sperm; usually occurs two years LATER than girls, grow 4-6 inches in a year


7 1950’s and Beyond About 50 years ago, puberty was a scary event. No one was prepared, schools did not teach or talk about it. Now view in a positive manner, a signal that one has reached manhood and womanhood



10 Primary Sex Characteristics Reproductive organs grow (uterus, ovaries and testicles and penis) Reproductive organs grow (uterus, ovaries and testicles and penis)

11 Secondary Sex Characteristics Female: Enlarged breast and hips Female: Enlarged breast and hips Males: Deeper voice, facial hair, broadening shoulders Males: Deeper voice, facial hair, broadening shoulders

12 Timing of Puberty Puberty has psychological effects. Going through it with your peers or on the “average” is good because you reach it together and do not feel unusual or outside the norm Puberty has psychological effects. Going through it with your peers or on the “average” is good because you reach it together and do not feel unusual or outside the norm

13 Early Maturing Boy and Girls BOYS Positive athletic advantage, popular, look older, self confident, seen as a leader by peers and authority Negative effect is that get into trouble more often, begin sexual relation earlier GIRLS Develop mature body before others and this can lead to insecurities Not looked on favorably by adults because gets attention of older boys, can lead to early sexual activity

14 Late Maturing Boy and Girls BOYS Negative effect: Parents and teachers tend to treat them like children longer, rejected by peers Positive effect: Time to be introspective and develop a strong sense of identity GIRLS At first they are less popular and can lack some social skills Once they develop they do tend to be tall and thin and become more popular.

15 Hypothesis on Development Adult Stage Hypothesis Adult Stage Hypothesis Stage Termination Hypothesis Stage Termination Hypothesis Deviance Hypothesis Deviance Hypothesis

16 Time Line of Development Early Girls-On Time GirlsLate Girls -Early BoysOn Time BoysLate Boys

17 Identity & Egocentrism Identity: Sense of yourself and independence. See yourself as an individual Identity: Sense of yourself and independence. See yourself as an individual It develops in adolescence because they can now think in abstract terms, the meaning of life, their role in society. It develops in adolescence because they can now think in abstract terms, the meaning of life, their role in society. Egocentrism: Peaks at 13 Egocentrism: Peaks at 13 Imaginary Audience Imaginary Audience Personal Fable Personal Fable

18 Structure of the Peer Group A: Close friends: Usually 2-3 and same sex but can be gender mixed A: Close friends: Usually 2-3 and same sex but can be gender mixed B: Cliques: small group of friends with common interests B: Cliques: small group of friends with common interests Positive~ Social skills, intimate relationships, feeling of safety, share common ideals Positive~ Social skills, intimate relationships, feeling of safety, share common ideals Negative~ Negative peer pressure, restriction of individual thought, limiting friendships Negative~ Negative peer pressure, restriction of individual thought, limiting friendships

19 Cliques continued Popular cliques Popular cliques Gender differences in cliques Gender differences in cliques Others’ opinions Others’ opinions Acceptance Acceptance

20 More Groups Crowds: Larger groups of acquaintances that usually people date others from the crowd Crowds: Larger groups of acquaintances that usually people date others from the crowd

21 Moral Development Level 1: Pre Conventional (Childhood 4-10) Level 1: Pre Conventional (Childhood 4-10) Stage 1:Punishment Orientation Stage 1:Punishment Orientation Stage 2: Naïve Reward Orientation Stage 2: Naïve Reward Orientation Level 2: Conventional (early adolescence 10- 13) Level 2: Conventional (early adolescence 10- 13) Stage 3: Good boy/girl Stage 3: Good boy/girl Stage 4: Authority Orientation Stage 4: Authority Orientation Level 3: Post Conventional: adulthood Level 3: Post Conventional: adulthood Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation Stage 6: Individual Ethical Principle Stage 6: Individual Ethical Principle

22 James Marcia Theory of Identity Formation Theory of Identity Formation Four Types: Four Types: 1. Identity Diffusion 1. Identity Diffusion 2. Identity Foreclosure 2. Identity Foreclosure 3. Identity Moratorium 3. Identity Moratorium 4. Identity Achievement 4. Identity Achievement

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