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Take Heed How You Hear Luke 8:11-18. The Key Interpretive Question about Each Soil: Is the Lord Referring to a Regenerate or Unregenerate Person Here?

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Presentation on theme: "Take Heed How You Hear Luke 8:11-18. The Key Interpretive Question about Each Soil: Is the Lord Referring to a Regenerate or Unregenerate Person Here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Take Heed How You Hear Luke 8:11-18

2 The Key Interpretive Question about Each Soil: Is the Lord Referring to a Regenerate or Unregenerate Person Here? Is the Lord Referring to a Regenerate or Unregenerate Person Here?

3 The Most Common Understanding: Only Soil 4 Represents Born- Again People

4 Another Option: Soils 2, 3, & 4 All Represent Believers Soils 2, 3, & 4 All Represent Believers

5 How Do We Decide Which Is Correct? How Do We Decide Which Is Correct?

6 Observations from the Text Spring Up and Not Springing Up (Luke 8:5-8) Spring Up and Not Springing Up (Luke 8:5-8)

7 The Pro Life Movement for Plants

8 Believing and Not Believing (Luke 8:12, 13) Believing and Not Believing (Luke 8:12, 13)

9 The Progression from Worst to Best (Luke 8:5-8 & Luke 8:12-15) The Progression from Worst to Best (Luke 8:5-8 & Luke 8:12-15)

10 VII. Conclusions from Our Observations Soil 1: Never believed. Never born again. Soil 2: Believed. Born again. But a failed Christian life.

11 Soil 3: Believed. Born again. But a half-hearted Christian life. Soil 4: Believed. Born again. A whole-hearted Christian life.

12 Born again people have three different responses to God’s Word Some fall away due to temptations Some fall away due to temptations Some continue to believe and apply God’s Word, but are not wholehearted in the understanding and application Some continue to believe and apply God’s Word, but are not wholehearted in the understanding and application Some put their whole heart into understanding and applying God’s Word. Some put their whole heart into understanding and applying God’s Word.

13 The Application of the Parable: How We Respond to God Is Vitally Important to Our Well Being (Luke 8:16-18)

14 Luke 19:11-27 Confirms Our Understanding of Luke 8:11-15

15 Conclusion Put your heart into it. Put your heart into it. That is important in business, sports, marriage, and all aspects of life. That is important in business, sports, marriage, and all aspects of life. Only those with a noble and good heart will be the good soil and will one day hear the Lord say, “Well done, good servant” (Luke 19:17). Only those with a noble and good heart will be the good soil and will one day hear the Lord say, “Well done, good servant” (Luke 19:17).


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