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Forcing of Kelvin Waves over South America Brant Liebmann, George Kiladis, Leila Carvalho, Carolina Vera, Charles Jones, Ileana Bladé, Dave Allured.

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Presentation on theme: "Forcing of Kelvin Waves over South America Brant Liebmann, George Kiladis, Leila Carvalho, Carolina Vera, Charles Jones, Ileana Bladé, Dave Allured."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forcing of Kelvin Waves over South America Brant Liebmann, George Kiladis, Leila Carvalho, Carolina Vera, Charles Jones, Ileana Bladé, Dave Allured


3 We wish to thank the following agencies for providing the data sets used in this study: Agência Nacional de Águas (Brasil) Agência Nacional Energia Elétrica (Brasil) British Atmospheric Data Centre - NASA Langley U.T.E. Uruguay C.T.M. Salto Grande NOAA (NESDIS, NCEP) Servicio Meteorologico Nacional (Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay) FUNCEME (Ceará, Brasil) U.S. National Climatic Data Center IAPAR - SIMEPAR (Paraná, Brasil) DAEE (São Paulo, Brasil) Minesterio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (Venezuela) Meteorogische Dienst Suriname METEO-France ASANA (Bolivia)

4 Gill 1982 (Matsuno 1966)

5 Wheeler and Kiladis 1999 Kelvin Filter

6 Variance of Kelvin-filtered OLR January - May 1979-2001 May March

7 Lead and Lag Regressions Base point: Kelvin-filtered OLR at 60W, Eq. Fields: 30-day high-pass filtered OLR, 200 mb winds and stream function


9 The dates are then separated by additional criteria before compositing: “Pacific” cases: 3 days before key date Kelvin-filtered OLR more than 8 Wm -2 below mean at 95W, 2.5N “South America” cases: 3 days before key date, 30-day high- pass filtered OLR more than 6 Wm -2 below mean at 60W, 20S. 56 Pacific cases 60 South America cases 30 common cases (77 neither) Dates are found with a 1 standard deviation negative OLR anomalies at 60W, Eq.

10 Base point: Kelvin-filtered OLR, 1 STD anomaly (plus constraint at 95W, 2.5N) Fields: 30-day high-pass OLR 200 mb wind and streamfunction Wm -2 Pacific events

11 Base point: Kelvin-filtered OLR, 1 STD anomaly (plus constraint at 95W, 2.5N) Fields: 30-day high-pass OLR 200 mb wind and streamfunction Wm -2 Pacific events

12 Fields lead key point by 3 days Fields: 30-day high-pass 200 Contours and vectors are twice those at 850 Base point: Kelvin-filtered OLR (plus constraint at 95W, 2.5N) 850 mb and rain200 mb and OLR

13 Fields lead key point by 1 day Fields: 30-day high-pass 200 Contours and vectors are twice those at 850 Base point: Kelvin-filtered OLR (plus constraint at 95W, 2.5N) 850 mb and rain200 mb and OLR

14 Fields lag key point by 1 day Fields: 30-day high-pass 200 Contours and vectors are twice those at 850 Base point: Kelvin-filtered OLR (plus constraint at 95W, 2.5N) 850 mb and rain200 mb and OLR

15 Contrast with “South America” example (note different latitude range) 30-day High-pass OLR, 200 mb wind and stream function

16 Fields lead base point by 5 days 20085 0 1000 Blue contours indicate positive height anomalies 200 mb Heights and OLR 850 mb Heights and Rain 1000 mb Heights and Unfiltered rain

17 Fields lead base point by 4 days 20085 0 1000

18 Fields lead base point by 3 days 20085 0 1000

19 Fields lead base point by 2 days 20085 0 1000

20 Fields lead base point by 1 day 20085 0 1000

21 Fields simultaneous with base point 20085 0 1000

22 Fields lag base point by 1 day 20085 0 1000

23 South AmericaPacific Fields lag base by two days

24 Conclusions There are at least two mechanisms that force Kelvin waves over South America a) at upper levels from the Pacific b) at lower levels from southern South America (e.g., Garreaud and Wallace 1998; Garreaud 2000) Not all South American (cold) events force Kelvin waves

25 Fields lead base point by 3 days Kelvin-filtered base point30-day high pass base point OLR, 200 mb winds and heights

26 Fields simultaneous with base point Kelvin-filtered base point30-day high pass base point OLR, 200 mb winds and heights

27 Fields lag base point by 1 day Kelvin-filtered base point30-day high pass base point OLR, 200 mb winds and heights

28 Fields lag base point by 2 days Kelvin-filtered base point30-day high pass base point OLR, 200 mb winds and heights

29 Conclusions There are at least two mechanisms that force Kelvin waves over South America a) at upper levels from the Pacific b) at lower levels from southern South America (e.g., Garreaud and Wallace 1998; Garreaud 2000) Not all South American (cold) events force Kelvin waves Some Kelvin waves may be initiated in-situ

30 Neither Pacific nor South America - in situ?

31 Conclusions There are at least two mechanisms that force Kelvin waves over South America a) at upper levels from the Pacific b) at lower levels from southern South America (e.g., Garreaud and Wallace 1998; Garreaud 2000) Not all South American (cold) events force Kelvin waves Some Kelvin waves may be initiated in-situ

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