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Chem A Review Covalent or Ionic, that is the ?. Ionic Compounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Chem A Review Covalent or Ionic, that is the ?. Ionic Compounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chem A Review Covalent or Ionic, that is the ?

2 Ionic Compounds

3 We all want to be rockstars! Atoms want to be Noble gases Why??? FULL OUTER SHELL

4 ION Formation P = 11 e = 11 Charge = 0 P = 11 e = 10 Charge = +1

5 CATION Positively charged atom

6 ANION Negatively charged atom

7 Ionic Compounds Na O +1+1 -1 + 1 -2

8 Oxyanions POLYATOMIC ANIONS WITH O and another non-metal SO 4 2- CO 3 2-

9 Oxyanions Most OPer-ate -1 O -ate -2 O -ite -3 Ohypo-ite +1 Oper - ate O n - ate -1 O - ite -2 Ohypo - ite Top Down Most Common

10 Polyatomics to KNOW Ammonium Hydroxide Sulfate Phosphate Nitrate Carbonate NH 4 + OH - SO 4 2- PO 4 3- NO 3 - CO 3 2-

11 Oxyanions NaClO 4 sodium perchlorate Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 aluminum sulfate CaCO 2 calcium carbonite K 3 PO 2 potassium hypophosphite

12 Covalent Molecules

13 Binary Covalent Rules 1) Left to Right 2) “-ide” be back! 3) Junkies need their PRE-fix a.EXCLUDE MONO on first element

14 Pre---FIXES Mono Di Tri Tetra Penta Hexa Hepta Octa Nona Deca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

15 Practice CCl 4 As 2 O 3 Br 2 H 2 O 2 NF 3 Carbon tetrachloride Diarsenic trioxide Bromine Dihydrogen dioxide Nitrogen Trifluoride

16 ACIDSOxyacids Binary Acids Hydro + element-ic + acid HCl Hydrochloric Acid OxyANION root – ic + Acid H 2 SO 4 Sulfuric Acid

17 Oxyacids Sulfate Phosphate Nitrate Carbonate Chlorate SO 4 PO 4 NO 3 CO 3 ClO 3

18 Oxyacids Sulfate Phosphate Nitrate Carbonate Chlorate Sulfuric Acid Phosphoric Acid Nitric Acid Carbonic Acid Chloric Acid H 2 SO 4 H 3 PO 4 HNO 3 H 2 CO 3 HClO 3 SO 4 2- PO 4 3- NO 3 - CO 3 2- ClO 3 -

19 Oxyacids Perchloric Acid Chloric Acid Chlorous Acid Hypochlorous Acid HClO4 HClO3 HClO2 HClO +1 ---- -2

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