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Sophomore ACT Vocabulary Unit #11. intrinsic Adj. belonging to a thing by its very nature.

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Presentation on theme: "Sophomore ACT Vocabulary Unit #11. intrinsic Adj. belonging to a thing by its very nature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sophomore ACT Vocabulary Unit #11

2 intrinsic Adj. belonging to a thing by its very nature

3 introvert N. a shy person

4 irksome Adj. annoying, irritating, tiresome

5 itinerary N. a detailed plan for a journey

6 jargon N. the language used by a particular group Bleed and Piss Army speak for taking a drug test Army Brat Child of an individual that serves or has served in the Army. Generally used when explaining why someone has live where they have lived. DICK Dedicated Individual Combat Killer Willy Pete White Phosphorous - a burning chemical agent used in some military ordinance.

7 lampoon N. a harsh satire directed against an individual

8 lassitude N. lack of energy; weariness of body from strain

9 latitude N. the angular distance north or south; freedom from restrictions

10 lexicon N. a book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and their definitions

11 loathe V. to feel disgust or intense feelings for Dallas Cowboys…blahhhh!!

12 longitude N. the angular distance east or west

13 loquacious Adj. talking too much; talkative

14 ludicrous Adj. causing laughter because of absurdity

15 luxuriant Adj. abundant in growth

16 magnanimous Adj. generous in forgiving an insult or injury

17 Word Power hem, heme – blood ex: hemorrhage, hemoglobin tox, toxi, toxo – poison ex: toxic, toxicology neur, neuro – nerve ex: neurology, neurosis

18 Word Power cont… derm, derma, dermo – skin ex: dermatologist, epidermis -ia pathological condition (caused by disease) ex: amnesia, phobia

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