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New Caller Training Lifebushido-Best Agent Business.

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Presentation on theme: "New Caller Training Lifebushido-Best Agent Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Caller Training Lifebushido-Best Agent Business

2 Table of Contents: Best Agent Business vs Other Calling Companies Caller Role Caller Audit Caller Goals Coding and Tagging Detailed Notes Buyer A Buyer B Buyer C Lost and Dead What is a Systems Document? Daily Calling Report Daily Log Instructions Goal Action

3 Best Agent Business vs Other Calling Companies Choose your own work schedule We call warm leads for Buyer/Seller calling, no inbound calling. Callers are paid by the hour not per call. Bonus incentives to earn extra money. Variety of calling for different types of lead. Calling team members available via email or chat for help.

4 What role does the Caller play? Organize client’s database by coding or tagging the leads Contact leads to update information in database. Find out specific set of questions your client needs to know; Buying/Selling time frame Price range Home specifications ( bedrooms/baths/area etc.) Are they pre-approved for purchase? Are they currently working with a realtor? Etc.

5 Caller Audits: Each Caller is subject to random audits. These audits reveal how many leads were actually contacted and how many hours callers were actively in the database. We are also checking for the following.

6 Your Goal as a Caller: To reach as many “live answers” as quickly as possible. Dials per hour on average are anywhere from 15 to 30 dials dependent on database. To get the questions answered from the scripting for your client. To code each lead with correct category. Buyer A, Buyer B, Buyer C, Lost Lead or Dead lead. To take detailed notes regarding your conversation with that lead. You will notate in your client’s database as well as in your Daily Calling Report at the end of your calling session. You will schedule a follow up plan for each lead according to your instructions on your Client’s Systems Document.

7 What is Coding or Tagging in a Database? When we call each lead we are coding that lead dependent on what the outcome of the call was. Categories are below: Buyer or Seller A = Someone purchasing or selling in 0 to 3 months. Buyer or Seller B = Someone who would like to purchase or sell inn 4 to 6 months. Buyer or Seller C = Someone who is 6+ months out. Buyer or Seller Lost = Someone who ended up using another Realtor other than our client. Buyer or Seller Dead = Someone who is not interested in doing either.

8 Detailed Notes will be entered in both your Client’s Database as well as in your Daily Calling Report. Examples for each type will be in the next few slides. Buyer A: ( 0 to 3 months ) Buyer A: Jason Jones – 888-222-3333 – - I had the pleasure of speaking with Jason today. He is currently living in a rental place in Kansas City and is looking to purchase right away. Jason and his wife are already pre-approved through a lender and would like to move into a new home in the next 2 months. He is currently looking in Kansas City for a 3+ bedroom with 2+ bathrooms and would also love a 2 car garage. He said that the area schools are very important as they will be starting their family soon and would also like a large fenced in back yard. Jason stated that the if the home needs some work he can do minor repairs. He would like (Client’s Name) to contact him right away to set up an appointment to view some properties if any are available in his price range of $150k to $225k. I’m listing Jason as a Buyer A and have sent over a escalated email and introduction to the client. I will check back to be sure they have The above note shows each question of, timeframe, home requirements, price range, area as well as pre-approval status that are typically questions on your systems document script. These notes are clear and complete and a short story of Jason’s situation and needs and wants. It also restates at the end of the note with “I’m listing Jason as a Buyer A and have sent over a escalated email to the client ….” so there is no question what is next for this Lead.

9 Buyer B: ( 4 to 6 months ) Buyer B: Jane Randall – 787-888-5555 – – I spoke with Jane today. She stated that her family is looking for a property in the Augusta area and would really like a Ranch style property with 4 bedrooms. She said they have 3 kids and are expecting their first grandchild so a ranch style would fit their needs perfectly. She doesn’t think they will be ready to move until Summer so they are looking at about 4-5 months from now. She did state she has a rental property they own currently but will be keeping it and renting it out to their oldest daughter once they move. Their price range is approximately $250k to $300k but they have not yet gotten pre-approved. I am listing Jane as a Buyer B and will schedule a follow up in 30 days according to systems document to check back in with her and see how plans are Again, with these notes they are detailed and answer each question on our systems document. The client’s need you to create a short story of this leads needs so once we reach out to them again we can pull information from this previous note back up. If I speak to Jane in 30 days again I can specifically ask her about her upcoming grandchild. That cements in the lead’s mind that this realtor ( and his assistant – you ) care about them and creates a personal touch during our conversations. If a lead feels like they are getting personal attention they are more than likely going to use your agent as their Realtor.

10 Buyer C – 6+ months out Buyer C: Sam Stevens – 785-222-2222 – - I was able to connect today with Sam. He didn’t have a lot of time to speak but did state that they are currently searching in the Houston and San Antonio areas and haven’t quite decided which they like better. He couldn’t speak other than saying they are about 9 months or more out and said I could call him back anytime to check in. After reviewing Sam’s previous searches he is looking for a property for about $150k and has been viewing properties with 3+ bedrooms in both San Antonio as well as Houston. I am listing him as a Buyer C for now and will connect again in 90 days to follow up and see if we can get more information at that With this lead he didn’t have enough time for me to ask all of my questions on the script. So I got as much information as I could from him and after that I relied on his past search history and previous properties he has viewed. Within that search history I was able to notate he has indeed been searching in the areas mentioned as well as finding out what price range he is looking in and how many bedrooms he likely prefers. Again as with previous examples I have restated at the end of my note: “ I am listing him as a Buyer C for now and will connect again in 90 days to follow up.” This way the client knows exactly what I will do with this lead and when according to my follow up / call back date.

11 Buyer Lost and Buyer Dead Buyer Lost: Harry Potter – 121-222-1212 – no email address – I spoke briefly with Harry and he stated that they have already purchased a home with Sam Sanders with Remax. Listing as a Lost lead with no follow up. With a Buyer Lost you will always try and get the Realtor’s name that the Lead used. A buyer lost will not always give this information and if they don’t remember or do not want to give it simply state “ When I asked for the Realtor that Harry used he didn’t have that information.” So if/when a Audit is run we know in your notes you did indeed attempt to get that. Buyer Dead: Crystal Lake – 555-555-1212 – – I called Crystal today and she said she isn’t looking for properties and would like to be removed from our lists. I’m listing as Dead lead with no follow Buyer Dead is anything from a completely wrong/bad information to someone who asks to be removed from our database to someone who says we have a wrong number.

12 What is a Systems Document?

13 Daily Calling Report Hi Steve, Below is the information for today’s live calls. Please let me know if you have any questions. Buyer A: Name – Phone – Email Address – Detailed Notes Buyer B: Name – Phone – Email Address – Detailed Notes Buyer C: Name – Phone – Email Address – Detailed Notes Buyer Lost: Name – Phone – Email Address – Detailed Notes Buyer Dead: Name – Phone – Email Address – Detailed Notes Sincerely, Caller Name Assistant Best Agent Business A Daily Calling Report is what we send at the end of each of our calling sessions to the client as well as a few other people listed on your Systems Document. This shows the details of each live call you reached during that day’s calling session.

14 Callers Daily Log Instructions for Callers On a daily basis after completing calling, you will enter your hours, total dials, etc. in the Daily Log application on Quickbase. Daily Log MUST BE entered on the same day as the calling is done. Daily Log is for calling work only! You should also keep track of your hours, live answers, etc. on a Personal Daily Log that you save to your computer. 1. Log into Quickbase and in My Quickbase, select Daily Log 2. Once Dashboard comes up, click on Add A New Record (top right side of page) 3. On Client pull down menu: Select your Client’s Name. If you do not see your client contact your Mentor ASAP. 4. On Person tab, select your name. 5. Date = calling date 6. Type = type of calling work you are doing. 7. Hours = total hours worked on calling for this client. 8. Live answers = total live answers while calling for the day. *For instance you spoke to 5 total leads. 1 B, 2 C and 2 Dead leads total is 5. 9. Classify the live answers in the fields below, as they apply. A,B,C Lost and Dead. 10. Please do not type anything in the What Worked Well, What Did Not Work, and Questions fields. 11. Suggestion field is required – you can put in NA if you have no comments on that session. 12. At the bottom of Daily Log, you will notice “Diff Between Live and Total (should be 0)” – make sure that there is a ZERO there.

15 Goal Actions Instructions for Callers On a weekly basis after completing calling, you will enter your hours, total dials, etc. in the Goal Actions application on Quickbase. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL BE PAID! It is very important to do this WEEKLY! Please note that you will do a separate Goal Action for each project/client you worked on for the week. One goal action per week per project/client Log into Quickbase and in My Quickbase, select Goal ActionsQuickbase Once Dashboard comes up, click on Add A New Record (top right side of page) Person = Caller Name Business = REB Status = Completed Client = Choose the client you did the work for. Work Type = Calling Buyer/Seller Leads Manager = Choose the manager you are working for – Calling team it’s Sherilyn Faulhaber TL Description = Enter in a detailed description of the work you did Details= list each date and # of hours worked for date Quantity = total # of dials for week Total Hours = total # of hours for week Date Started = date of beginning of week or first day worked that week. Date Completed = date of the end of week or last day worked that week. Project = Calling


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