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Published byGeorgiana Ford Modified over 9 years ago
Traffic Matrix Approach R. Newman
Topics Defining anonymity Need for anonymity Defining privacy Threats to anonymity and privacy Mechanisms to provide anonymity Metrics for Anonymity Applications of anonymity technology
Represents traffic patterns Not specific to a particular message Measure traffic over time window Shows traffic from each sender to each recipient TM(i,j) = traffic sent from i to j Can be messages, bits, bytes, or rates Traffic Matrix 1234 10350 21009 32005 401150 Receiver Sender
Traffic Matrix 1234 10350 21009 32005 401150 Receiver Sender S1S1 All nodes are both senders and receivers, i.e., peers S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 3 1 5 0 0 2 5 5 0 11 90 Topology is a complete digraph of N nodes, i.e., an N-clique Traffic may be zero, light, moderate, or heavy
Traffic Matrix 1234 10350 21009 32005 401150 Receiver Sender S1S1 All nodes are both senders and receivers, i.e., peers S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 3 1 5 0 0 2 5 5 0 11 90 Links have capacity limits Traffic that exceeds link capacity must be split over multiple routes 5 These may be symmetric or not (those shown are symmetric) 10 5 55
Traffic Matrix 1234 10350 21009 32005 401150 Receiver Sender S1S1 All nodes are both senders and receivers, i.e., peers S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 3 1 5 0 0 2 5 5 0 11 90 Links have capacity limits Traffic that exceeds link capacity must be split over multiple routes 5 These may be symmetric or not (those shown are symmetric) 10 5 1
Takes the approach that attacker wants to know traffic patterns Not specific to a particular message Measure traffic over time window Global passive adversary Sees source & destination for all msgs ”Observed TM” = what attacker observes If no countermeasures, then observed TM is the actual TM Assumes nodes are peers Assumes nodes are not compromised Traffic Matrix
All messages are padded to same length Prevent linking messages Only (visible) source and destination are not encrypted Prevent linking messages Prevent source/destination linkage TAP Countermeasures
Node may send dummy messages Adds to observed traffic Node may re-route messages Changes observed traffic pattern Node may delay messages Helps obscure message linkage Can smooth out flows TAP Countermeasures
TM has all diagonal entries zero No self-traffic T[i,j] = # messages from i to j TM T dominates T’ iff for all i and j T[i,j] >= T’[i,j] Neutral TM – all traffic is uniform All non-diagonal values are equal For all i <> j and i’ <> j’, T[i,j] = T[i’,j’] Unit Neutral TM: all non-diagonal values = 1 Magnitude of Neutral TM is non-zero values in TM Traffic Matrix
All traffic between all pairs is equal Observer cannot distinguish pairs that are engaged in much interaction from those that are engaged in none What information does Neutral TM give? Only an upper bound on the actual possible traffic But traffic between a pair can exceed observed traffic between the pair, due to rerouting May be overkill Neutral Traffic Matrix
Actual TM, T act End-to-end TM not including any countermeasures No dummy messages No re-routing through intermediaries Observed TM, T obs End-to-end traffic as observed from addresses Includes dummy traffic Includes changes due to re-routed traffic Traffic Matrix
Routes, flow assignments Actual TM requires T act [i,j] message be sent from i to j in time period Each message must either be sent directly from node i to node j Or it must follow a longer path from i to j Flow assignment dictates how many message from i to j take each particular route Traffic Matrix SkSk SiSi SjSj 10 5 T act [i,j] = 10 5 5 T obs [i,j] = 5
Link load = number of messages using link Must not exceed link capacity How might you reroute traffic? Traffic Matrix S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 3 1 5 0 0 2 5 5 0 11 90 5 7 5 7 5 5
Reroute traffic exceeding capacity Adds load to links on route Must ensure rerouting does not exceed capacity Traffic Matrix S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 3 1 5 0 0 2 5 5 0 70 5 7 5 7 7 4 5 5 2 3+4=7>5
Reroute traffic exceeding capacity Does this work now? Yes – link loads all below capacities Traffic Matrix S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 3 1 5 0 0 2 5 5 0 70 5 7 5 7 7 2 5 5 2 3+2=5 2 5+2=7
Reroute traffic exceeding capacity Total Traffic Load Sum of link loads What are link loads? Traffic Matrix S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 3 1 5 0 0 2 5 5 0 70 5 7 5 7 7 2 5 5 2 2 SourceDest’nLoad 123+2=5 135 140+2=2 211+3=3 230 249-2=7 312 320+2=2 345 41 4211-4=7 435+2=7 TotalLoad42
Feasible TM For a given actual TM, any TM for which there exists a set of routes and flow assignments for all senders and destinations such that no link load exceeds the corresponding link capacity i.e., actual traffic can be re-routed according to the flow assignments without violating constraints Traffic Matrix
Unit Padding Transform Transforms TM T to T’ by increasing the traffic by unity on a single link For some i,j, T’[i,j] = T[i,j]+1 and for all other i’,j’ T’[i’,j’] = T[i’,j’] TAP Countermeasures T11T12T13 T21T22T23 T31T32T33 010 000 000 T11T12+1T13 T21T22T23 T31T32T33 += += T act T pad T obs
Unit Rerouting Transform Transforms TM T to T’ by decreasing the traffic from i to j and increasing it from i to k and from k to j by unity (reroute one i-j message via k) For some i,j, T’[i,j] = T[i,j]-1 and For some k, T’[i,k] = T[i,j]+1 and T’[k,j] = T[k,j]+1 for all other i’,j’ T’[i’,j’] = T[i’,j’] TAP Countermeasures T11T12T13 T21T22T23 T31T32T33 0+1 000 0 0 T11T12-1T13+1 T21T22T23 T31T32+1T33 += += T act T RR T obs
Delay not explicitly considered Would reduce load in one window Increase it on same link in next window But we only consider one window here... TAP Countermeasures T11T12T13 T21T22T23 T31T32T33 00 000 000 T11T12-1T13 T21T22T23 T31T32T33 += T11T12T13 T21T22T23 T31T32T33 0+10 000 000 T11T12+1T13 T21T22T23 T31T32T33 += Window t: Window t+1:
Padding Pad matrix is sum of scaled unit pad matrices One unit pad per i,j pair (where i <> j) N(N-1) scaling multipliers Rerouting Reroute matrix is sum of scaled unit reroutes One unit reroute matrix per triple (i,j,k) N(N-1)(N-2) non-zero scaling multipliers Achieving Neutrality
Start with T act Approach (shown for one row) First, reroute to minimize maximum T’[i,j] T’[i,j] = T act + T RR Then pad to bring all non-diagonals to max T obs = T act + T RR + T pad Achieving Neutrality T act + T pad T RR + T’T obs
Costs increase in load Increase in (mean) delay Load Cost: Cost = Load(T obs ) –Load(T act ) Delay Cost: All msgs delivered each period Delay measured as increase in avg # hops Avg # hops = (1-f) + 2f = 1+f Where f = fraction that is rerouted All rerouted msgs take path of 2 hops Cost of Neutrality
Padding only: Delay cost = ? None (f = 1) Load Cost = ? = Load(T obs ) –Load(T act ) = [Load(T act )+Padding] –Load(T act ) = Padding i.e, cost = exactly number of dummy messages Which is just the sum of the padding multipliers Cost of Neutrality
018 201 530 070 607 350 088 808 880 += Padding only: Load Cost = ? Must pad to highest value in T act Load(T obs ) = (N 2 -N)max{T act [i,j]} Padding = (N 2 -N)max{T act [i,j]} –Load(T act ) T act T pad T obs Load(T act )=20Load(T obs )=6x8=48Load(T pad )=48-20=28
Cost of Neutrality Padding only: Load Cost = (N 2 -N)max{T act [i,j]} –Load(T act ) In practice, the distribution of values in T act is long-tailed, with many 0’s and small numbers This leads to very high costs for padding only Problem gets worse with larger N! Larger proportion of non-communicating pairs
Rerouting only: Let T’ be TM after rerouting T’ may not be neutral (pad later) Delay cost = ? f = ? (average, or per pair) f = (#rerouted msgs)/(#actual msgs) = [Load(T’) – Load(T act )] / Load(T act ) = Load(T RR ) / Load(T act ) Where T RR is reroute matrix T’ = T act + T RR Load(T RR ) = sum of RR scaling multipliers Cost of Neutrality
Rerouting only: Load Cost = ? = Load(T’) – Load(T act ) = [Load(T’)+Load(T RR )] –Load(T act ) = Load(T RR ) i.e, cost = exactly number of rerouted messages Which is the sum of the reroute multipliers Approach: Reroute first to minimize variance Then pad to bring up to neutrality Cost of Neutrality
Approach: Reroute first to minimize variance Then pad to bring up to neutrality In practice This approach leads to about a doubling of load How to find T RR that minimizes cost? Want to minimize the maximum value in T’ Turn into a system of linear inequalities Cost of Neutrality
”Flatten” operator Takes a matrix and turns it into a vector Row-major order (or column-major by transpose) f(M) = Linearization of Problem f
Let r abc = number of msgs rerouted from a to c through intermediate node b (reroute quantity) R = all N 3 reroute quantities as N 3 x 1 column vector Let URM abc = unit reroute matrix for a to c via b URM abc [a,b] = 1, URM abc [b,c] = 1, URM abc [a,c] = -1 All other entries are 0 N 3 URMs (some of which are all 0’s) Let DM be N 2 x N 3 matrix of flattened URMs Each column is a flattened URM So change T RR due to rerouting is f(T RR ) = DM x R Linearization of Problem
For rerouting given by reroute quantity vector R And padding given by padding matrix T P We have: f(T obs ) = f(T act ) + f(T RR ) + f(T P ) = f(T act ) + DM x R + f(T P ) We want to minimize the costs of T P and T RR We have lower bound on possible neutral TMs Set target neutral TM, T, to smallest possible Use linear programming to find R that satisfies inequality (if one exists) DM x R <= f(T) – f(T act ) Linearization of Problem
We have lower bound on possible neutral TMs Set target neutral TM, T, to smallest possible T = m times unit neutral TM m >= max(T act )/N Use linear programming to find R that satisfies inequality (if one exists) DM x R <= f(T) – f(T act ) Iterate (increment m) until R can be satisfied Then set f(T P ) = f(T) – [f(T act ) + DM x R] Minimizes max(T[i,j]), hence minimizes costs Linearization of Problem
Can treat the information ”leaked” by TMs as covert channel Mix-type packets (only src, dest show, all packets are uniform in size, rest encrypted) How can CC ”sender” convey information? Sender is a single node Sends to ”Eve” – a local eavesdropper Relative traffic volume, absolute volume, order of transmission are still visible How to minimize (or eliminate) CC? Neutral TM eliminates relative volume as signal Network Covert Channels
How to minimize (or eliminate) CC? Neutral TM eliminates relative volume as signal Every node always sends indistinguishable packet to every other node every ”round” Each node always sends to destinations in same order Only signal is change in round time intervals But how to determine reroute quantities? Not practical for all nodes to exchange traffic levels Want a local decision Network Covert Channels
Message Sending Policy Maintain Tx queues for each destination High priority = from other node Medium priority = from this node Low priority = dummy packet (generated) Send packet every period Message arrival policies If dummy from other node, discard If rerouted from other node, put into High queue If local origin, reroute if dest Med queue occupied Traffic volume changes Ne Network Covert Channels
Traffic volume changes Negotiate shorter period length if queues stay full Negotiate longer period length if queues mostly empty All nodes must arrive at consensus Single node must dramatically change traffic to force change in period This can be audited Mode-based security Don’t allow arbitrary period changes Only allow particular modes – reduces CC capacity Only allow change at end of cycle – lower CC capacity Network Covert Channels
Mode-based security Don’t allow arbitrary period changes Only allow particular modes M modes define allowed period durations Only allow change at end of cycle Cycle is duration spanning one or more periods Capacity is now lg(M)/T cycle Maximum capacity is known Attempts to exercise CC can be audited Network Covert Channels
Given an observed TM, there are limits on possible actual TMs The sum of the traffic coming into a node j in T act cannot exceed the sum of the traffic coming in to node j in T obs. The sum of the traffic coming out of a node i in T act cannot exceed the sum of the traffic coming out of node i in T obs. Although the graphs considered are cliques, the total traffic from node i to node j may exceed the capacity of the (direct) link from i to j due to some traffic being routed through other nodes Generalizations
Compatible TM A TM T is compatible with T obs iff there exists a set of routes and flow assignments for T that produces T’, and T obs >> T’ (domination) Let Comp(T obs ) be the set of all TMs compatible with T obs. Note that both T obs and T act must be in Comp(T obs ) In the absence of other information... Attacker has no reason to pick one compatible TM over another compatible TM – all equiprobable Generalizations
Attacker’s question Is T act in some set S of TMs or not? In the absences of side information Likelihood is fraction of TMs compatible with T obs that are in S Probabilistic approach Prob(T act in S | T obs ) = |Comp(T obs ) int S| /|Comp(T obs )| Generalizations
Neutral TM Approach Aims to give nothing to GPA except upper bounds All traffic is equal Can decide reroute and pad quantities from actual traffic and desired TM Can minimize costs associated with achieving neutrality May be overkill Probabilistic TM approach Maximize uncertainty of actual TM Large number of compatible TMs with various properties Summary
Anonymity Metrics Anonymity Set Per message receiver and/or sender Possibilistic Plausible Deniability Crowds approach Probability of ”guessing right” Consistent TM Set size Subsets corresponding to property of interest can lead to probability approach also Covert Channel approach Capacity of channel = info leak rate Summary
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