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Analysis of the Life-Cycle Graph: The Transition Matrix Modeling Approach.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of the Life-Cycle Graph: The Transition Matrix Modeling Approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of the Life-Cycle Graph: The Transition Matrix Modeling Approach

2 Parameterized Model Matrix Analysis: Population Growth Population Growth Rate  = 0.998  = 0.997  = 1.12 Asymptotic Size Class Distribution

3 Parameterized Model Matrix Analysis: Population Projection Projection of Population into Future

4 Sensitivity Analysis How does (population growth rate) change in response to a small change in transition rate? = 1.12 +.04 = 1.12 = 1.14

5 Sensitivity Analysis

6 Sensitivity Analysis: A Couple of Problems High sensitivities may be associated with transitions that don’t occur in nature. There is a basic difference in values associated with survivorship and fecundity.

7 Elasticity Analysis: a potential solution How does (population growth rate) change in response to a proportional change in transition rate? = 1.12 + 10% = 1.12 = 1.13

8 Parameterized Model Elasticity Analysis

9 Model Predictions Life table Matrix = 1 < 1 > 1 Key assumptions?

10 Density Effects Population change over time Birth and Death Rates

11 Density Effects Birth and Death Rates Impact of increasing density Decrease in Light Nutrients H 2 0 Space Impact of increasing density on the population Increase in death rate Decrease in reproduction Increase in disease herbivory

12 Density Effects Population change over time Birth and Death Rates

13 Density Effects in Plant Populations

14 An Experimental Approach Increasing density Basic design Replicate treatments as many times as possible

15 Measures of Density Effects Total biomass Above ground biomass Root biomass Seed production Population size General response is often referred to as “Yield”

16 Density Experiment: Example #1 Total yield of the population Yield increases with increasing density (to a point) Similar pattern in different components of yield At higher densities yield tends to stay constant

17 Density Experiments: Example #2 Total yield may differ among environ- ments, but the same general pattern is observed

18 Density Experiments: Example #3 ?

19 Density Experiments: Example #4 ?

20 Empirical Data on Yield Density Relationships

21 Yield-Density Equations A General Model of Intraspecific Density Effects

22 Yield-Density Equations = Total yield of the population per unit area

23 Yield-Density Equations = Total yield of the population per unit area = average yield of an individual

24 Yield-Density Equations = Total yield of the population per unit area = average yield of an individual N = population density

25 Yield-Density Equations = Total yield of the population per unit area = average yield of an individual N = population density W max = maximum individual yield under conditions of no competition

26 Yield-Density Equations = Total yield of the population per unit area = average yield of an individual N = population density W max = maximum individual yield under conditions of no competition 1/a = density at which competitive effects begin to become important

27 Yield-Density Equations = Total yield of the population per unit area = average yield of an individual N = population density W max = maximum individual yield under conditions of no competition 1/a = density at which competitive effects begin to become important b = resource utilization efficience (i.e., strength of competition)

28 Total YieldIndividual Yield X X The Two Faces of Yield-Density

29 Total YieldIndividual Yield

30 Three General Categories of Yield- Density Relationships b < 1 : under compensation b = 1 : exact compensation (“Law of constant yield”) b > 1 : over compensation

31 Three General Categories of Yield- Density Relationships b < 1 : under compensation b = 1 : exact compensation (“Law of constant yield”) b > 1 : over compensation

32 Exact Compensation (b=1) for aN>>>1 x x x C

33 Exact Compensation (b=1) for aN>>>1 x x x C

34 Exact Compensation (b=1) log transform

35 Exact Compensation (b=1) log transform 1/a  density above which competitive effects become important

36 Exact Compensation (b=1) log transform slope ≈ b

37 Exact Compensation (b=1) for aN>>>1 xxx x

38 Exact Compensation (b=1) for aN>>>1

39 Exact Compensation (b=1) for aN>>>1

40 Under Compensation (b<1) b = 1 b = 0.8 b = 0.5 b = 0.25 b = 0

41 Under Compensation (b<1) b = 1 b = 0.8 b = 0.5 b = 0.25 b = 0 b = 1 b = 0.8 b = 0.5 b = 0.25 b = 0

42 No Density Effects (b=0) b = 0

43 Over Compensation (b>1) b = 1 b = 1.2 b = 2.0 b = 1 b = 1.2 b = 2.0

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