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Mining Amethyst By Maxine & dylan.

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1 Mining Amethyst By Maxine & dylan

2 Amethyst is mined in drift mines most of the time (a drift mine is a shaft dug down to the gemstone rock). Then the gemstone is dug out by hand!!!!!!!!!!!). Then is taken to a washing plant that is close to the mine. Mining

3 Where Amethyst Is Found
Minas Gerais in Brazil (large geodes in volcanic rocks) South Korera Maissau, Lower Australia (largest vein know in the world) Russia (especially near Mursinka) (really fine Amethyst) South Africa (1000 tonnes a year) (biggest producers) United States (lots of places)

4 AMEHYST Purple and pink are the normal colors Polishes nicely
Cheap compared to some other minerals

5 Open Pit the definition of open-pit is when cuts are put in the earth for extracting ore.

6 Closed-Pit Closed-pit means that it’s a mine shaft

7 Minerals Mineral means “a soild inorganic substance of natural occurrence”

8 How its formed   The caves are filled with water and dissolved minerals permeated through the rock.  With time these minerals will crystallize in the caves, and line the cave with a silica layer (amethyst).  The geodes continue developing as long as there is moisture present. “Permeated” means “spread throughout”

9 Fun Fact The Greek word “amethystos” is translated as ”not drunken”. Amethyst was thought to be a strong antidote against drunkeness, which is why wine goblets were often caved from it.

10 Mining Amethysts geology/project.htm

11 Conclusion In conclusion, amethyst is a astonishingly amazing gorgeous mineral that is mined in a lot of places. It is purple and pink and cheap. It is used in jewelry.

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