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Yellow Journalism and Propaganda

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Presentation on theme: "Yellow Journalism and Propaganda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yellow Journalism and Propaganda
The Spanish American War

2 Yellow Journalism-is a type of journalism that downplays legitimate news in favor of eye-catching headlines that sell more newspapers. Adding details that will make the story more interesting Motivation to make profit by selling more papers Motivated the population for supporting the Spanish American War. Largest Players, Hearst’s of the New York Journal and Pulitzer’s New York World.

3 The Sinking of the Maine February 15, 1898
Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain!

4 Dewey’s Victory

5 Battle of Kettle Hill

6 Political Cartoons


8 Resources (If you Can’t pic) (Tip to Tip, (White Man’s Burden) (Filipino benefits) (Battle of Kettle Hill Horses) (Battle of Kettle Hill No Horses) (Dewey Smashes) (Dewey Asiatic) (Sinking of the Maine Painting) (New York Journal Maine)

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