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A Timeline of Events. 11/11/1918 – WWI ENDS 1918-1924 – Lenin Rules over Communist USSR 1924 – Lenin Dies…Stalin in Control.

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Presentation on theme: "A Timeline of Events. 11/11/1918 – WWI ENDS 1918-1924 – Lenin Rules over Communist USSR 1924 – Lenin Dies…Stalin in Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Timeline of Events

2 11/11/1918 – WWI ENDS 1918-1924 – Lenin Rules over Communist USSR 1924 – Lenin Dies…Stalin in Control

3 (WWI winners are USA France England) Germany has to pay $ and land(reparations), NO military Germany accepts blame for WWI A total disgrace for the Germans

4 What is the stock market? In 1929 the Stock Market Crashes….causing… …THE GREAT DEPRESSION How did the US economy crash? Why was the world dependent on the US economy?

5 Because of the depression, people turned to a completely new way of thinking. This new way is TOTALITARIAN and the government is called FASCISM

6 Strong Military Censorship Extreme Nationalism Gov’t controlled economy Strict Discipline Rule by dictator Blind Loyalty to a leader Use of Violence Mussolini – Italy Hitler - Germany

7 Strong Military is necessary because… Censorship is necessary because… Extreme Nationalism is necessary because… Gov’t controlled economy …. Strict Discipline … Rule by dictator … Blind Loyalty to a leader … Use of Violence …

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