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Definitions a person’s capability to adapt to new cultural contexts a person’s capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions a person’s capability to adapt to new cultural contexts a person’s capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions a person’s capability to adapt to new cultural contexts a person’s capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity Cultural intelligence is…

2 Final CQ Model Beliefs Attitude Motivation Being Disposition Way of life

3 A person who does not learn how to work with others from different cultures will have a difficult time in a globalised world. Do you agree with the statement? If yes, what do you think is meant by “a difficult time”?

4 Yang Lan: The generation that's remaking China Yang Lan ( 杨澜 ; born March 31, 1968) is a Chinese media proprietor, journalist, and talk show hostess. She is the Cofounder and Chairperson of the Sun Media Group and the Sun Culture Foundation. In 2013, she's ranked 100 in the 100 World’s Most Powerful Women in Forbes

5 Beliefs I expect people to respect my customs and practices, hence I too respect others' customs and practices. A person who does not learn how to work with others from different cultures will have a difficult time in a globalised world. It's very troublesome to work with people from different cultures. I don't like to travel to places where people have very different cultures.

6 Pause  Identify any personal beliefs that you may have regarding cross-cultural interaction/situations  How do you think these beliefs may be manifested in your disposition/behaviour

7 I expect people to respect my customs and practices, hence I too respect others' customs and practices. I don't ridicule the customs or practices of other people even if I find them very strange. Belief Being/Behaviour

8 I observe other people's eating etiquette and try to practise the same when I dine with them. I enjoy striking up conversations with culturally diverse people. I prepare myself for all kinds of uncertainties when I go for immersion overseas. I don't normally complain even if I find other people's customs or practices are unreasonable. It's very troublesome to work with people from different cultures. Belief Being/ Behaviour

9 BEHAVIOUR Can I act properly in a new culture? Behaviour Verbal aspects Non-Verbal aspects High Self-Monitor Ability to suppress inappropriate behaviour Flexibility

10 Mind your manners/etiquette in cross-cultural situations  During Meetings (verbal & nonverbal)  During Interactions  During Meals  During Outings








18 Cultural Differences 英语 ENGLISH 华语 CHINESE brown bread brown sugar black tea green-eyed 黑面包 红糖 红茶 红眼病


20 Take the opportunity of this trip to do the following:  make your personal observations and interact with the locals so that you can come to your own conclusion about what you have heard and seen  discover something about yourself & others (related to CQ)  reflect and discuss the readings available on the Cross-cultural Insights on wikispace.

21 Food for thought Treat others as you want to be treated! 将心比心,推己及人

22 Keep an open mind Celebrate & Enjoy diversity “Not right, Not wrong, Just different”

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