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ABCD ~ GBEF. Find the value of y. A B G C D F E 24 15 12 y.

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2 ABCD ~ GBEF. Find the value of y. A B G C D F E 24 15 12 y

3 Quiz Review 1.Find the scale factor of Figure A to Figure B. 1.If triangle PQR ~ to triangle STU, then find all possible values of x. 1.Find the scale factor of Figure A to Figure B. 1.If triangle PQR ~ to triangle STU, then find all possible values of x. A 6 B 4 S T U 13 - x R P Q 7 - x

4 Example 2: RPlot the given points on graph paper. Draw quadrilateral ABCD and A’B’. Locate points C’ and D’ so that A’B’C’D’ is similar to ABCD. A(0, 0), B(4, 0), C(2, 4), D(0, 2), A’(-10, -2), B’(-2, -2) RPlot the given points on graph paper. Draw quadrilateral ABCD and A’B’. Locate points C’ and D’ so that A’B’C’D’ is similar to ABCD. A(0, 0), B(4, 0), C(2, 4), D(0, 2), A’(-10, -2), B’(-2, -2) C’(-6,6), D’(-10,2) C’(-6,-10), D’(-10,-6)

5 Determine whether each statement is always, sometimes or never RTwo congruent triangles are similar RTwo squares are similar RA triangle is similar to a quadrilateral RTwo isosceles triangles are similar RTwo rectangles are similar RTwo obtuse triangles are similar RTwo equilateral triangles are similar RTwo congruent triangles are similar RTwo squares are similar RA triangle is similar to a quadrilateral RTwo isosceles triangles are similar RTwo rectangles are similar RTwo obtuse triangles are similar RTwo equilateral triangles are similar always never sometimes

6 Graph the given points. Draw polygon ABCD and segment MN. Find the coordinates for vertices L and P such that ABCD~NLPM. A(2,0), B(4,4), C(0,4), D(-2,0), M(4,0), N(12,0) L(16,8) and P(8,8) or L(16,-8) and P(8,-8)

7 State if the polygons are similar and how. 1.2. similar Not similar

8 Write the similarity statement, and find x, the measures of the indicated sides, and the scale factor. D E C A B 6 12-x 4 x+7

9 Homework- pg. 476-8 #19-29odd, 31-40all 19.4:534. SOMETIMES 21. 20, 12.5, 2035. ALWAYS 23. 4:536. NEVER 25. 2:137. ALWAYS 27. 1038. SOMETIMES 29.NO39. 11, 9 31.SOMETIMES40. 32/3, 120 32. SOMETIMES 33.SOMETIMES 19.4:534. SOMETIMES 21. 20, 12.5, 2035. ALWAYS 23. 4:536. NEVER 25. 2:137. ALWAYS 27. 1038. SOMETIMES 29.NO39. 11, 9 31.SOMETIMES40. 32/3, 120 32. SOMETIMES 33.SOMETIMES

10 Given: ABCD ~EFGH Prove: 45.Statement Reason 1. ABCD ~ EFGH 1.Given 2. L:kl2.Def. of similar figures 3. 1:k is the scale factor3. Division 4. 4. Def. of similar figures 5. 5. Mult. 45.Statement Reason 1. ABCD ~ EFGH 1.Given 2. L:kl2.Def. of similar figures 3. 1:k is the scale factor3. Division 4. 4. Def. of similar figures 5. 5. Mult.

11 StatementsReasons 6. 6. Addition 7. 7. Def. of perimeter 8. 8. Subst. 9. 9. Division 10. 10. Subst. StatementsReasons 6. 6. Addition 7. 7. Def. of perimeter 8. 8. Subst. 9. 9. Division 10. 10. Subst.

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