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Action items: “REACLIB”: update todo lists and add links to nucastrodata depositories continue feeding lists with JINA virtual VJ communicate with evaluators.

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Presentation on theme: "Action items: “REACLIB”: update todo lists and add links to nucastrodata depositories continue feeding lists with JINA virtual VJ communicate with evaluators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action items: “REACLIB”: update todo lists and add links to nucastrodata depositories continue feeding lists with JINA virtual VJ communicate with evaluators signed up communicate with committee to make decisions on what to do with new data encourage new evaluations on list continue updates that do not require lots of evaluation Evaluators: do rates signed up for (ND, ORNL, Carmen, Heide, …) Form committee

2 KADONIS continue updates of s-process and p-process rates (independent update path?) provide 7 parameter fits to feed into reaclib as new rates become available Setup areas to deposit evaluation information that will be linked to lists develop tools: referee tools: upload rate info, upload final rate, close evaluation Collect all links and additionl information – create “Hub” allow links into evaluation material for reference, for example in reaclib

3 Masses: can we get at least a compilation of exp data going? ANL start evaluating decay data (can feed off “reaclib” todo list) continuously provide data as they become available Theory post guide to theory data

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