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AERIAL FREE-TO-GROW SURVEYS ForestCor Inc. Proposal for.

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Presentation on theme: "AERIAL FREE-TO-GROW SURVEYS ForestCor Inc. Proposal for."— Presentation transcript:

1 AERIAL FREE-TO-GROW SURVEYS ForestCor Inc. Proposal for

2 KKB Ltd. History  Established 2000  Specialize in GIS/remote sensing in North-western Ontario  Based out of Thunder Bay

3 KKB Ltd. Staff Bryan Lock – Manager Ken Magill – Contact Administrator Kathleen Gilhooly – Customer Representative

4 Proposed Bid Costing 9” photography - flown by 9”R’US - $30,000 LSP photography - flown by HeloCruise - $40,000 Personal – $32,000 Project Time Frame 61 Days for completion 61 Days for completion $107,000

5 Objective  To delineate free to grow stands based on past depletions using 8 forest units comprised of 16 strata

6 HeloCruise flies 480 LSP plots In 6 days Field Plots 3 days LSP received in 14 days Interpretation of LSP’s takes 14 days 9”R’US takes 224 stereo colour photos in 5 days Photo’s arrive in 14 days 3 days are spent scanning in the colour photos LSP’s help to delineate free to grow stands over 25 days Ortho Processing begins Control points are added using DEM in 17 days Ortho-mosaic is complete Methodology

7 FINAL PRODUCT  Shapefiles showing depletions prior to 1986 and from 1986-1991prior to 1986 and from 1986-1991  Digital ortho-mosaic of 9” photos  Individual 9” photos (1:20,000) 224 stereo colour infrared photos224 stereo colour infrared photos  Prints of LSP delineated blocks (1:1000) 480 plot representing 16 strata480 plot representing 16 strata

8 Why KKB Ltd.?  Qualified, highly trained personnel  Years of experience in North-western Ontario  Leader in Remote Sensing / GIS applications within the forestry sector  High level of return business  Great relationship with subcontractors

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