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Gradients and Shadows Both gradients and shadows are visual elements that must be used consciously. Gradients make color transitions smooth and shadows.

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Presentation on theme: "Gradients and Shadows Both gradients and shadows are visual elements that must be used consciously. Gradients make color transitions smooth and shadows."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gradients and Shadows Both gradients and shadows are visual elements that must be used consciously. Gradients make color transitions smooth and shadows help separate text or objects from their background

2 Gradients There are linear and radial gradients. They are called linear when the color transition takes place along a line. Radial (often used with circular or elliptic shapes) when the color transition follows the radius.

3 Syntax: linear-gradient( [ | to,]? [, ]+ ) \---------------------------------/ \----------------------------/ Definition of the gradient line List of color stops where = [left | right] || [top | bottom] and = [ | ]? linear-gradient( 45deg, blue, red ); /* A gradient on 45deg axis starting blue and finishing red */ linear-gradient( to left top, blue, red); /* A gradient going from the bottom right to the top left starting blue and finishing red */ linear-gradient( 0deg, blue, green 40%, red ); /* A gradient going from the bottom to top, starting blue, being green after 40% and finishing red */ Linear Gradients Syntax

4 Syntax: radial-gradient( [[ circle || ] [ at ]?, | [ ellipse || [ | ]{2}] [ at ]?, | [ [ circle | ellipse ] || ] [ at ]?, | at, [, ]+ ) \------------------------------------------------------------------------------/\--------------------------------/ Definition of the contour, size and position of the ending shape List of color stops where = closest-corner | closest-side | farthest-corner | farthest-side and = [ | ]? Radial Gradients Syntax

5 Repeating Gradient Examples We can have repeating gradients as backgrounds body { background: linear-gradient(-45deg, blue, violet); background-size: 50px 50px; background-color: #EC173A;}

6 Shadows We can have box and text shadows. Box shadows are used for objects of various shapes. Text shadows add shadow effects to type.

7 Formal syntax: none | [inset? && [ ? ? ? ] ]# Box Shadows Syntax Box Shadows Examples

8 Formal grammar: none | [,]* where is: [ ? ? | ? ? ] Text Shadows Syntax Text Shadows Examples

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