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Animism is the world’s oldest belief system

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Presentation on theme: "Animism is the world’s oldest belief system"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animism is the world’s oldest belief system
Animism is the world’s oldest belief system. Animism’s central belief is the belief that spirits exist in the natural world.

2 Animists believe that everything in nature has a spirit
Animists believe that everything in nature has a spirit. A rock has a spirit. A river has a spirit. The earth has a spirit.

3 Animism is still practiced in parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

4 Animists believe that the spirits influence the natural world and daily affairs.

5 Animists offer prayers and sacrifices to the spirits.

6 Shintoism is a form of Animism
Shintoism is a form of Animism. Shintoism is the oldest religion of Japan. It is Japanese animism.

7 Kami is the Japanese word for spirits
Kami is the Japanese word for spirits. The Japanese view the Kami as friendly and benevolent.

8 Shinto shrines or temples are found in nature – near a lake or on a mountain. Nature is important.

9 Amaterasu is the sun goddess
Amaterasu is the sun goddess. The Japanese believed that the emperor of Japan was a descendant of the sun goddess.

10 But after Japan’s defeat in World War II, the emperor announced on the radio that he was not divine.

11 However, Shintoism is still a popular religion in Japan.

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