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Conducted in the summer of 2012 at 19 COCA-I camps, with a total participation of 2725 campers.

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Presentation on theme: "Conducted in the summer of 2012 at 19 COCA-I camps, with a total participation of 2725 campers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conducted in the summer of 2012 at 19 COCA-I camps, with a total participation of 2725 campers.

2 2114 of the questionnaires were fully evaluable and included in the analysis.

3 Campers self reported on self esteem, emotional function, physical function, and social function.

4 Overall, campers reported high functioning in all of the measured domains at the end of their camp experience.

5 On a 1 - 5 point likert scale ranging from 1 = I hated camp to 5 = I really liked camp, the mean of responses was 4.8 (SD 0.6)

6 There were no differences in scores for the patients as compared to siblings which had clinical significance.

7 Males scored higher than females on the Emotional and Physical subscales, but the effect sizes were small.

8 Both patients and siblings had lower scores in all 4 domains if the patient was still on therapy, but again the effect sizes were small.

9 First year campers and younger campers had lower scores in all domains, but again the effect sizes were small.

10 The number of previous years of attending camp was positively correlated with scores in all subscales.

11 There were no significant differences between siblings who were bereaved vs. not bereaved.

12 There were no consistent correlations with the camp model that were clinically significant (siblings alone versus together with the patients at camp).

13 Next Steps ?

14 Future study models: --Pre/Post questionnaires --Control Group recruited from those who did not go to camp --Others?

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