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Contributions to Archives Infrastructure Bradley Westbrook AT Project Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Contributions to Archives Infrastructure Bradley Westbrook AT Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contributions to Archives Infrastructure Bradley Westbrook AT Project Manager

2 Product Background Community-developed project and product Originated at a Feb. 2002 meeting sponsored by the Digital Library Federation Tool solution for key domain problems  Serialized processing tools  Expensive processing  Increasing training costs  Data produced with low interoperability  Substantial, and growing, backlogs 5 Dec. 2008 2 AT @ PACSCL Symposium

3 Solution Relational database application with Java client Staff side information management and metadata authoring tool Licensed as an OSS application  Lower costs  Flexible and adaptable  Community based volunteer model Targeted for a broad array of repositories 5 Dec. 2008 3 AT @ PACSCL Symposium

4 Create Efficiency Integrate a range of archival functions Enable repurposing of data—multiple outputs from data recorded Automate encoding and reporting Provide customization features 5 Dec. 2008AT @ PACSCL Symposium 4

5 Promote Access Increase amount of materials available to the public Promote data standardization by  Basing the system on domain content standards--DACS, ISARR (CPF)  Supporting exports based on domain access standards such as EAD, MARCXML, METS, MODS, DC Provide better databases of archival descriptions 5 Dec. 2008 5 AT @ PACSCL Symposium

6 Community Development Application code is available Training collaborations Transition to user governance  Feature prioritization  Specification review  Usability testing  SAA Roundtable Pathway to sustainability 5 Dec. 2008 6 AT @ PACSCL Symposium

7 Thank you! AT Project: Staff Email address: Archivists’ Toolkit User Group: Subscription: Archives:

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