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Called to Jesus: Parables

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1 Called to Jesus: Parables

2 What did Jesus teach? God is merciful and forgiving
We can have a relationship with God (“Father”) To trust and have faith in God to reach the Kingdom Include everyone (e.g. meals, “the first will be last”) Learn and understand by personal experience Be peaceful, non-violent; love your enemies

3 Jesus’ teaching style Jesus taught through:
preaching (Matthew 5-7, the “Sermon on the Mount”) miracles and healing relationships (who he knew, who he included) parables

4 What is a parable? like a fable; a short story with a moral
Jesus used examples his audience would have understood main themes in Jesus’ parables are: The Kingdom of Heaven Loss and redemption Love and forgiveness Prayer Eschatological themes (be ready!)

5 2 common features of parables
1.) Cultural norms Cultural Norms: story elements that are related to an intended audience (e.g. plants – farmers) The basic story elements in Jesus’ parables grew out of land, culture, and family life of his people  Some of this seems foreign to modern day readers. Knowing Jesus’ time and place will help! 2) Surprise! Jesus included twists to catch the audience off guard (e.g. Lost Sheep – God’s love defies common sense)

6 Parable videos

7 In your small groups: Read all the parables below
Consider the main message or moral What cultural norms does Jesus use? What is the theme? (eschatological, loss/redemption?) Prepare a brief 1 sentence summary of the parable Lost Sheep and Coin (Luke 15:1-10), 10 Bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-13), The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) Choose at least 3 more for your group to read and summarize.

8 Independently… Create a piece of artwork or symbolism that connects to one of the parables. Please put the title of your parable on the back. When they are displayed, discuss with each other what you think the message is, what theme you think the artwork is showing (e.g. loss/redemption, love).

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