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By Jan Leonard and Danielle Brush Lewis Two Rivers Professional Development Center, Illinois Virtual School

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2 By Jan Leonard and Danielle Brush Lewis Two Rivers Professional Development Center, Illinois Virtual School;

3 Your Targets 1. Establish enhanced foundational knowledge related to a variety of standards and skill sets. 2. Develop a set of essential skill areas that will build student literacy in core subject areas. 3. Describe six reasoning skills that support literacy especially in reading and math. 4. Make technology literacy connections with standards, essential skills and reasoning skills

4 Some Quotes about Literacy “No skill is more crucial to the future of a child, or to a democratic and prosperous society, than literacy.” (Los Angeles Times, “A Child Literacy Initiative for the Greater Los Angeles Area) “Literacy is not a luxury, it is a right and a responsibility. If our world is to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century we must harness the energy and creativity of all our citizens.” (President Bill Clinton) Literacy... means far more than learning how to read and write... The aim is to transmit... knowledge and promote social participation.” UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg, Germany “Literacy is at the heart of sustainable development” Kofi Annan

5 The Many Types of Literacy Language Arts Literacy Math Literacy Science Literacy Social Studies Literacy Information Literacy Media Literacy Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Digital Age Literacy Cultural Literacy ICT Literacy Financial Literacy Others?

6 Module One – What is Essential  Identify a set of standard aligned essential skill areas that will build literacy in a given subject area.  Make initial connections between technology standards, digital literacy skills, 21 st century skills, and essential skill areas that will enhance overall literacy for a given subject area.

7 Expected Performance Terms ( Identify Invest Interpret Investigate Solve Infer Draw conclusions Analyze Compare Apply Critique Use State Apply Describe Explain Evaluate Judge Classify Distinguish Assess Relate Clarify Expand Generalize Determine Summarize Recognize Predict Sequence Differentiate Create Examine

8 Common Core Standards ( )  English/Language Arts  Literacy in History/Social Studies and Science  Mathematics

9 Expected Performance Terms ( Interpret Determine Analyze Assess Synthesize Delineate Evaluate Identify Ask questions Identify Describe Use Determine connections Integrate Compare Distinguish Produce Strengthen Use technology to produce… Make strategic use of digital media… Adapt Provide Summarize Sustain Integrate Support Develop Demonstrate command of technology… Apply Choose

10 Digital Age Literacy Components  Basic scientific, economic and technological literacies  Visual and information Literacy  Multicultural literacy and global awareness

11 Digital Age Literacy Performance Terms Meet Standards* Recognize Evaluate Locate Synthesize Use Ask questions Identify Express positions Pose and evaluate arguments Compare Solve complex problems Design Communicate Produce Build Make thinking visible Explore linkages Test theories Analyze Detect patterns Interpret Decipher Apply

12 ISTE Nets (National Education Technology Standards – ( )  Creativity and innovation  Communication and collaboration  Research and information  Critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making  Digital citizenship  Technology operations and concepts

13 Nets Performance Terms Apply Use Create Identify Publish Communicate Develop Organize Evaluate Troubleshoot Transfer Analyze Evaluate Process Synthesize Select Investigate Explore Define Collect Advocate

14 Essential Skill Areas  Criteria for selecting an essential skill area (based on Making Standards Work by Doug Reeves): The concept or skill area provides students with knowledge and skills that endure. The concept or skill area provides knowledge and skills that will be of value in multiple subject areas or are able to be transferred to understanding other similar concepts. The concept or skill area provides knowledge and skills that will be required for the next level of instruction.  Identify 10-12 essential skill areas or concepts in course (Daggett)

15 Essential Skills Example in Reading Fifth Grade Reading – Essential Skill Areas or Concepts for Reading › Digital Age Literacy › Figurative language (basic) › Author’s point of view (basic) › Cause and effect (basic) › Fact versus opinion (basic) › Sequencing and ordering (basic) › Summarizing, including main idea, significant and minor details (basic, information) › Vocabulary skills development (basic) › Use of charts, graphs, images (visual) › Evaluating and applying information to situations (Information) › Inventive Thinking › Inference/draw conclusions/ make generalizations (Higher order reasoning) › High Productivity › Use of real world technology tools

16 A Content Example – 5 th Grade Reading StoryEssential Skill Areas Willy Wonka and the Chocolate FactoryCause and Effect Sequencing and Ordering Making Inferences Use of Real World Technology Tools How to Eat Fried WormsSummarizing Sequencing and Ordering Cause and Effect Use of Real World Technology Tools Amelia Earheart – The Legend of the Lost Aviator Fact versus Opinion Summarizing Applying Information to Situations Use of Real World Technology Tools The Breaker BoysApplying Information to Situations Cause and Effect Author’s Point of View From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Sequencing and Ordering Fact versus Opinion Use of Real World Technology Tools

17 Your Turn  Review the standards for a subject area and the 21 st Century Skills and ISTE Nets Illinois Learning Standards – Assessment Frameworks and/or Performance Descriptors Core Standards 21 st Century Skills ISTE Nets  Develop a list of 10-12 essential skill areas for a subject that you teach and the correlation to 21 st Century Skills. A blank template is in the Content Map.

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