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Prof Mark Hawley Centre Director (Re)Introduction to CATCH.

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2 Prof Mark Hawley Centre Director (Re)Introduction to CATCH

3 ‘One of the greatest opportunities of the 21st century is the potential to safely harness the power of the technology revolution, which has transformed our society, to meet the challenges of improving health and providing better, safer, sustainable care for all’ Our vision is to transform the ways in which people are enabled to live well and age well through the application of ubiquitous and personalised technology

4 CATCH is a translational research centre We research, develop, evaluate and implement….. … technologies to enable people to live well and age well.

5 We apply our research in the areas of: cognitive and mental well-being independent living healthcare and self-managed health self-managed rehabilitation.

6 Assistive & Social Robotics We are developing companion robots for older people; assistive robots for disabled and older people and smart furniture. We are also conducting research into telepresence robots for future applications. Intelligent Personalised Support We are working on sensors and signal processing, data communication, modeling and inference to support people to make decisions about self-managing their health Human Communication Technology We are creating systems that assist people with disordered speech to communicate with other people, technologies that assist people to interact with machines more easily and analysis tools that can extract information from the speech and audio signal. Complex behavioural interventions We are developing interventions and applications to improve mental health and wellbeing; health promotion; nutrition and self-management of long term conditions.

7 Assistive Robotics & Social Robotics Intelligent Personalised Support Human Communication Technology Complex Behavioural Interventions Independent Living Healthcare & Self-managed health Cognitive & Mental Wellbeing Self-managed Rehabilitation Innovative methods in development and evaluation of technology Focus on user needs and personalisation In-depth understanding of behaviour, psychology and society Living and Ageing Well

8 We bring together and coordinate the activities of over 50 academics, across 14 departments and five faculties at the University of Sheffield, including healthcare scientists, engineers, psychologists, computer scientists, architects, and social scientists. 501414 5 academics departments faculties

9 We have a Home Lab which mimics the home or care environment and allows volunteer users to simulate living normally, testing a range of technologies whilst being observed and evaluated by researchers.

10 Our research is focused around co-production which means that every project we work on will always involve collaborations with one or more of industry, patients and the public, charities, NHS, clinicians, social care providers and local authorities.

11 We have been successful at applying for funding having won over £3M for us and our partners since the centre was launched in 2013. This ranges from small (under £500) through to large (£500K+) projects from a variety of sources. These include public funding bodies such as NIHR (National Institute for Health Research), EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), EU Horizon2020 and internal University of Sheffield funding. £3,000,000

12 CATCH will soon be able to offer £5K Innovation Vouchers for CATCH academics to work with industry. £5K Funding – Coming Soon Matched with £5K cash from the company. Long-term partnership. Translational Researchers available.

13 +44 (0) 114 222 6123 The Innovation Centre 217 Portobello Sheffield, S1 4DP

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