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Paul Clyndes RMT National Health and Safety Officer ARIOPS Conference 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Clyndes RMT National Health and Safety Officer ARIOPS Conference 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Clyndes RMT National Health and Safety Officer ARIOPS Conference 2014

2 Slide No 2 Last presentation to ARIOPS from RMT was in 2006. Interesting to review what, if anything, has changed! Certainly older, fater and greyer! But are we any wiser?

3 RMT OH Provider Survey 2013 100% OH Provision (90%) 10% “in house” provider (50%) 85% within HR function 100% link to MFA Slide No 3

4 TUC 2014 Safety Rep Survey The five most frequently cited hazards in 2014 were stress, bullying/harassment, overwork, back strains and slips, trips, falls on a level. Slide No 4

5 Stress 67% identify as top 5 hazard 32% rank it as the top hazard Slide No 5

6 Bullying/harassment A growing concern Now ranked as a top 5 hazard 37%(‘10), 41%(‘12), 46% Theme for RMT’s annual conference Slide No 6

7 Back strains/Slips, trips and falls Back strain listed by 33% STF listed by 32% Slide No 7

8 Back to 2006 “There should be a partnership between relevant managers, OH Professionals and safety reps so we can jointly identify health problems, devise solutions which can be implemented and reviewed.” Slide No 8

9 What have we achieved? Collaboration has become the key to success. Many examples of the sort of joint working the unions called for. Major improvements within NR, ORR and RSSB. Slide No 9

10 Back to 2006 “Where partnerships do not exist safety reps should have the ability to raise concerns over workers health issues through a formal system and management should have a duty to respond.” Slide No 10

11 What have we achieved? Less success here. Second opinions rare. Conflict between different health care providers. Role of the safety rep in OH provision Slide No 11

12 Slide No 12

13 “First you socialize medicine and everything else follows like night follows day.” Slide No 13

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