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Year 11 Intermediate GCSE Course Work Borders Piece No 2 Of 2.

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2 Year 11 Intermediate GCSE Course Work Borders Piece No 2 Of 2

3 The Starting Shape – Shape One

4 Shape Two

5 Shape Three

6 Shape Four

7 Shape Five

8 The Shapes Shape 1 Shape 2 Shape 3 Shape 4 Shape 5 Shape 6 Increasing Shape Number

9 Objective Of Coursework To examine the number of black squares, the number of white squares and the total number of squares per shape. To determine any rules that apply to any of these sequences. To predict further shapes from any sequence rules. To test predictions by drawing.

10 Steps In Course Work 1. Draw the shape on graph paper taking care with shading. 2. Draw the next two shapes on graph paper taking care with shading. 3. Draw all previous shapes on graph paper back to one square taking care with shading. 4. Count the number of black squares and the number of white squares and the total number of squares on each shape. 5. Put your results into a suitable table or tables showing the number of white squares and total number of squares on each. 6. Analyse the number of black squares, the number of white squares and the total number of squares and see if you can see any patterns / sequences and rules for each type.

11 Steps In Course Work 7. From the rules that you establish make a prediction of the number of black tiles, the number of white tiles and the total number of tiles in a future shape. 8. Check your prediction by drawing all shapes to get to that shape. 9. Comment on your findings. Use graphical plots to explain findings. 10. Extend your work by analyzing patterns that occur when the shape becomes three dimensional. Make predictions and test predictions by drawing and using cubes/bricks.

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