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March 2014 Possibilities, Perils & Pitfalls of doing a CP-KAP Mónica Ruiz-Casares, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2014 Possibilities, Perils & Pitfalls of doing a CP-KAP Mónica Ruiz-Casares, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2014 Possibilities, Perils & Pitfalls of doing a CP-KAP Mónica Ruiz-Casares, Ph.D.

2 Participants & Institutions Involved Save the Children Don Bosco Homes UNICEF GIS/LIGIS Liberia Ministry of Health & Social Welfare Mother Pattern College of Health Sciences National Traditional Council of Liberia National Union of orphanages of Liberia World Learning CSSS de la Montagne McGill University USAID Child Protection K nowledge, A ttitude, & P ractice Study Child Protection K nowledge, A ttitude, & P ractice Study Liberia Ministry of Gender & Development

3 What is a KAP Study? K nowledge Risk & protective factors General Inadequate parental care CP Systems A ttitude Child discipline Differential treatment of children Alternative care P ractice Risk & protective factors General Inadequate parental care Access to healthcare & education Reporting of abuse Child Protection

4 CP-KAP Study: Objectives 1.To establish a baseline of community knowledge, attitudes, and practices on key child protection issues, particularly children without parental care. 2.To identify resources for vulnerable children in the target counties and barriers or enabling factors that may contribute to violations of children’s right to protection and children’s access and willingness to use prevention and response services.


6 Baseline CP-KAP Study Design Desk review FGDs KI Interviews QUAL Household survey QUAN FGDs (visual methods) KI Interviews QUAL Quality Assurance Ethical Reflection

7 CP-KAP Study & Survey cycle 1 Planning 2 Design & Pretesting 3 Fieldwork 4 Processing 5 Dissemination

8 Planning the survey 1Selection & specification of focus – Desk Review – Key-informant interviews 2Available time & resources – Survey scope – Team composition – Survey direction & co-ordination 3Ethics Reflection & Review – Advisory Committee 1

9 Tips & Ideas L o Negotiate carefully priority foci & levels of precision. Explain trade-offs o Use guestimates cautiously—average & contrast with similar settings o Develop ethics plan & befriend your IRB(s) o Strategically select & consult with Advisory Committee o Keep a diary

10 Design & Pretesting 1Development of survey design – Survey protocol – Sample selection & preparation – Questionnaire design (& translation) 2Pre-testing – Staff training – Refining survey instruments – Instructional & training materials 3Preparation of materials for field use – Printing questionnaires, control forms, etc. 2

11 Tips & Ideas o Carefully weight sampling options: generalizability requires time & expertise o Seek & check sampling frame early o Make “randomness” everyone’s magic mantra o Don’t rush through instrument design & pretesting! o Triangulate across methods & respondents o Involve children in study design

12 Fieldwork 1Pre-Field Work Preparation – Training of interviewers & supervisors – Training of data entry clerks – Other staff – Logistics 2Data collection – Field administration – Ethical conduct – Data storage & transportation – Quality control 3

13 Tips & Ideas ! o Don’t rush through training and field testing! o Prioritize team safety o Establish procedures for o addressing ethical incidents o safe, quick return of questionnaires o Perform daily quality checks o Encourage & model open communication o Nurture relationships & take care of yourself

14 Data Processing 1Systems planning & computer programming 2.Coding, Keying, and Translating – Supervision & quality control 3Data analysis – Integration of mixed-methods 4Validation – Research team – Other stakeholders 4

15 Tips & Ideas o Perform daily quality checks & feedback, & keep a log! o Budget amply for coding, keying, transcription, & translation o Conduct preliminary analysis with all team members, & Advisory Committee o Plan time to triangulate & integrate mixed-methods results

16 Dissemination & Use 1Data review & publication – Survey report – Presentations – Other dissemination materials 2Knowledge mobilization plan – Advocacy & social mobilization – Communication 3Program planning & evaluation 5

17 Tips & Ideas o Develop data dissemination plan (early) o Identify individuals/institutions at all levels that can use findings o Build on relationships nurtured prior to & during study o Tailor your findings to different audiences, including children! o Use findings in programming & to track results at endline

18 “A survey is a TEAM exercise: Let’s each one of us give our best!”

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