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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR GEO-INFORMATION SCIENCE AND EARTH OBSERVATION FIG Commission 2 Workplan Working Group 2.2 eLearning Liza Groenendijk ITC, The."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR GEO-INFORMATION SCIENCE AND EARTH OBSERVATION FIG Commission 2 Workplan Working Group 2.2 eLearning Liza Groenendijk ITC, The Netherlands

2 Working Group 2.2 eLearning Key areas for the coming years  Good practices in e-Learning  The changing role of academic staff  Opportunities and challenges in e-Learning in professional education in the surveying profession  The use of social software to support the mission and aim of the Commission 2.

3 1. Good practices in e-Learning  Many e-Learning initiatives  Many academic institutions e-Learning is a relatively new concept/tool  Learn from each other’s successes and failures in e-Learning.

4 2. The changing role of academic staff  e-Learning is not just implementing new ICT based tools in normal teaching practice  Requires a particular pedagogy  From more teacher-centred, classroom, approaches towards more student-centred and flexible learning approaches  Different from what academic staff is used to

5 3. Opportunities and challenges  Many staff used to work in an ICT driven environment and do not fear to experiment with new tools  Used to mobile technology (mobile GIS, PDA’s)  GIS as a tool to support (e-)Learning?

6 4. Support Commission 2  The use of discussion fora, Weblogs and Wikis to support the activities of Commission 2 and its Working Groups

7 Activities for 2007-2010  Invite FIG members to join Working group 2.2. Please be invited!!  International Workshop organised by ITC in June 2008.  Activate/contribute FIG discussion group on e- Learning: exchange experiences on content development methods, student support and eLearning approaches  Support and link up with the FIG Surveying Database

8 International Workshop June 2008 Sharing Good Practices: E-Learning in the Geo-information Sciences and Land Administration 11-13 June 2008 Enschede, The Netherlands

9 International Workshop June 2008  Professionals engaged in e-Learning in the Geo- information Sciences and Land Administration  An active event, offering the participants the opportunity to demonstrate and/or try out good practices and to share their experiences  E-Learning in the Geo-information Sciences and Land Administration in/for technologically less advanced countries will get special attention

10 Themes (proposed)  Good practices in e-Learning for the geo information sciences and land administration  Opportunities and challenges of e-Learning for the surveying profession  The use of social software to support networking and lifelong learning  eLearning in International Cooperation  GI-NET and the role of e-Learning

11 Thank you Interested? Join working group 2.2. eLearning!

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