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Social Studies 8 th Grade Topic: Reconstruction Aim: Reconstruction Jeopardy Homework: Study for your Reconstruction Test tomorrow Do Now: Let’s get started.

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2 Social Studies 8 th Grade Topic: Reconstruction Aim: Reconstruction Jeopardy Homework: Study for your Reconstruction Test tomorrow Do Now: Let’s get started


4 PlansFreedmenJohnsonLimiting RtsConstitution Miscellaneous 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 400 500 Final Final Jeopardy

5 Plans- 100 This plan was written by Lincoln: –10% of voters swore loyalty –Must abolish slavery JeopardyAnswer

6 Answer- Plans 100 What is the 10% plan? Jeopardy

7 Plans- 200 The two conditions for the Wade Davis Bill included: jeopardy Answer

8 Answer- Plans 200 Majority of whites swear loyalty Former confederates could not vote or hold office Jeopardy

9 Plans- 300 The three conditions of Johnson’s Plan jeopardy Answer

10 Answer- plans 300 Majority swore loyalty Ratify 13 th amendment Former confederates could vote and hold office Jeopardy

11 Plans- 400 The conditions of the Reconstruction Acts jeopardy Answer

12 Answer- plans 400 Disband state governments Write new constitutions Ratify 14 th amendments African American men allowed to vote Jeopardy

13 Plans- 500 The major difference between congressional and presidential reconstruction plans jeopardy Answer

14 Congressional was more strict, they wanted the South to pay for the Civil War Jeopardy

15 Freedmen- 100 This agency gave food and clothing to former slaves. jeopardy Answer

16 Answer Freedmen- 100 What is the Freedmen’s Bureau

17 Freedmen- 200 This women was a teacher from the North, who taught newly freed slaves. jeopardy Answer

18 Answer- Freedmen 200 Who is Charlotte Forten Jeopardy

19 Freedmen- 300 This group in Congress supported the newly freedmen, they protected their rights jeopardy Answer

20 Answer Freedmen- 300 Radical Republicans Jeopardy

21 Freedmen- 400 What many African Americans that remained on old plantations as poor workers were called jeopardy Answer

22 Answer Freedmen- 400 Sharecroppers Jeopardy

23 Freedmen - 500

24 List two ways the Bureau helped newly freed slaves jeopardy Answer

25 Answer –Freedmen 500 Education Clothing Land jobs

26 Johnson- 100 This man was assassinated and therefore Andrew Johnson became president Answer jeopardy

27 Answer- Johnson 100 Abraham Lincoln

28 Johnson- 200 This is the reason why Johnson was impeached jeopardy

29 Answer J- 200 He refused to support Radical Reconstruction

30 Johnson- 300 This group charges the president in an impeachment case jeopardy

31 Answer- j300 House of Representatives Jeopardy

32 Johnson- 400 This group tries the case in an impeachment trial Answer jeopardy

33 Answer- J 400 Senate Jeopardy

34 Johnson- 500 The technical act that Johnson violated that allowed the House to charge him Answer jeopardy

35 Answer- J 500 Office of Tenure Act Jeopardy

36 Limiting Rights- 100 This group developed in the South- they burned blacks’ houses and white sympathizers’ houses Answer jeopardy

37 Answer LR- 100 Ku Klux Klan Jeopardy

38 Limiting rights- 200 These were designed to limit the rights of newly freed slaves. Blacks were not permitted to gather in some states Answer jeopardy

39 Limiting rights- 200 Black Codes Jeopardy

40 Limiting Rights- 300 Blacks were forced to pay this if they wanted to vote Answer jeopardy

41 Answer LR- 300 What are poll taxes Jeopardy

42 Limiting Rights- 400 This tested African Americans knowledge of the Constitution, they had to pass if they wanted to vote. answer jeopardy

43 Answer- LR- 400 Literacy tests jeopardy

44 Limiting Rights 500 Former slaves became this because they had no other options. Basically they were slaves again, tied to the land answer jeopardy

45 Answer- lr500 Sharecroppers jeopardy

46 Constitution- 100 This amendment freed slaves. Answer jeopardy

47 Answer- C 100 13 th jeopardy

48 Constitution- 200 The 14 th amendment did this answer jeopardy

49 Answer constitution 200 Citizenship to all jeopardy

50 Constitution- 300 This amendment guaranteed freed men the right to vote answer jeopardy

51 Answer- constitution 300 15th

52 Constitution- 400 This court case ruled that Separate is equal answer jeopardy

53 Answer c 400 Plessy V. Ferguson jeopardy

54 Constitution- 500 As a result of Plessy V. Ferguson this practice was considered legal Answer jeopardy

55 Answer- C 500 Segregation jeopardy

56 Miscellaneous- 100 This was an act of violence – being killed by a mob (hanging) answer jeopardy

57 Answer m 100 Lynching jeopardy

58 Miscellaneous200 These people were northerners who went south to seek fortunes Answer jeopardy

59 Answer- m- 200 Carpetbaggers Jeopardy

60 Miscellaneous-300 These were white southern republicans answer jeopardy

61 Answer- m 300 Scalawags jeopardy

62 Miscellaneous- 400 This person became president even though he did not win the popular vote answer jeopardy

63 Answer- m 400 Rutherford B. Hayes

64 Miscellaneous- 500 The year reconstruction ended answer jeopardy

65 Answer m- 500 1877 jeopardy

66 Final Jeopardy Describe Radical Reconstruction. What important events happened during this period? What important laws and acts were passed? How did Reconstruction affect the South? Support your ideas with examples from the text!

67 Answer to Final Jeopardy Look it up and be ready to answer tomorrow

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