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Published byColeen Greer Modified over 9 years ago
Review meeting on different RD Schemes under Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister, RD Deptt Date : 9th December,2011 Time : 10.30 A.M. Venue : Circuit House, Agartala
Status of release of Central funds under MGNREGA during 2011-12 FY and submission of Revised Labour budget ` in lakh 2 District Approved Labour budget 2011-12 Central Liability (96% of Approved Labour budget) Last year Central release to be utilized current yr. 1 st Inst. of Central Fund 2 nd Inst. of Central Fund Total release of Central share Status of online submission of revised LB for release of addl. Central fund North 5988.855749.29 Dhalai 12399.1311903.17 West 52308.8850216.52 South 32459.1631160.79 Total 105312.47101099.97
3 District wise performance under MGNREGA upto November, 2011 DistTotal fundExpenditure ( lakh)Mandays generated (in lakhs) Target as per LB Actual Exp% of Actual Exp. In term of fund As per MIS% of uploa ding in MIS Target as per LB Actual Manda ys generat ed As per MIS % of uploadi ng in MIS North Dhalai West South Total
4 District wise demand and employment provided upto November,2011 Dist Total No. of Job Card Holders No. of Job card Holders Demanded Employment No. of Job Card Holders Provided Employment Mandays Generation Average Mandays Target as per LB MD Generated (No. in Lakhs) ActualAs per MIS Taget as per LB ActualAs per MIS North Dhalai West South Total
District wise asset created under MGNREGA upto November, 2011 5 District Water harvesting (in nos. & ha) Formation of road (in nos. & km) Bricks soling road (in nos. & km) Culvert (in nos.) Irrigation facilities (in ha) Extensio n of irrigation channel (in km) (Agri/ Horti/ For) (In ha) No.Ha.No.KmNo.Km.No.Ha.KmHa. North Dhalai West South Total
Sector wise percentage (%) of expenditure during 2010 -11 (upto Nov, 2011) 6 Percentage of Expenditure Dist Water Conservation & harvesting Drought Proofing Micro irrigation works Provision of irrigation facility to land Creation of traditional water bodies Land Dev. Flood Control & protection Rural connectivity Others North Dhalai West South
7 District Total No. of GP/ADC Village No. of GPs/ADC Villages where BNRGSK taken up for construction No. of Blocks No. of Blocks where BNRGSK taken up for construction 10-1111-1210-1111-12 Taken up Comp Taken up Comp Taken up Comp Taken up Comp North 1828 Dhalai1305 West40716 South31911 Total 103840 Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra – Progress upto November, 2 011
8 Dist Fund AgriHortiFisherySeri.ForestARDDADCOtherTotal (( lakh) Requirement Fund sanctioned Fund placed Actual Exp % of exp Unutilized fund Exp. Uploaded in MIS Amt. Pending for MIS entry No. of MD generated Convergence of MGNREGA with different line departments – Financial and physical achievement on implementation of projects under MGNREGA fund during the year 2011-12 upto Nov, 2011
9 Fund Sericul ture Dist(`(` AgriHortiFisheryForestARDDADCOthersTotal In Lakhs) Dhalai Requirement Fund placed Actual Exp % of exp Unutilized fund Exp. Uploaded in MIS Amt. Pending for MIS entry No. of Mandays generated
10 Dist Particulars AgriHortiFisherySeri culture ForestARDDADCOthersTotal West Requirement Fund placed Actual Exp % of Exp. Unutilized fund Exp. Uploaded in MIS Amt. Pending for MIS entry No. of MD generated Convergence of MGNREGA with different line departments – Financial and physical achievement on implementation of projects under MGNREGA fund during the year 2011-12 upto Nov, 2011
11 Dist. Fund [[In Lakhs)) AgriHortiFishery Seri- culture ForestARDDADCOthersTotal South Requirement Fund placed Actual Exp % of exp Unutilized fund Exp. Uploaded in MIS Amt. Pending for MIS entry No. of MD generated Convergence of MGNREGA with different line departments – Financial and physical achievement during FY 2011-12 upto Nov, 2011
12 DistBank No. of GP/VCs to be covered No. GP/ADC villages covered Total No. of Registered Job card holders Total No. of Enrolment completed Total No. of Smart card issued No. of Smart cards distribut ed No. of villages where payment started through BC Model North TGB TSCB SBI UBI Total Status of coverage of payment of wages under BC Model upto Nov, 2011
13 DistBank No. of GP/VCs to be covered No. GP/ADC villages covered Total No. of Registere d Job card holders Total No. of Enrolment completed Total No. of Smart card issued No. of Smart cards distributed No. of villages where payment started through BC Model Dhalai TGB TSCB SBI UBI Total Status of coverage of payment of wages under BC Model upto Nov, 2011
14 DistBank No. of GP/VCs to be covered No. GP/ADC villages covered Total No. of Registere d Job card holders Total No. of Enrolment completed Total No. of Smart card issued No. of Smart cards distributed No. of villages where payment started through BC Model West TGB TSCB SBI UBI Total Status of coverage of payment of wages under BC Model upto Nov 2011
15 DistBank No. of GP/VCs to be covered No. GP/ADC villages covered Total No. of Registered Job card holders Total No. of Enrolment completed Total No. of Smart card issued No. of Smart cards distributed No. of villages where payment started through BC Model South TGB TSCB SBI UBI Total Status of coverage of payment of wages under BC Model upto Nov 2011
16 Inspection of MGNREGA works District No. of district level officers engaged for inspection of MGNREGA works No. of works inspected Block Level official % of inspection DT level officials % of inspection TargetAchTargetAch North Dhalai West South
17 Dist. Total Fund available Total Expenditure upto Oct.,2011 Expenditure on wages Expenditure on Materials & others Wage - Material ratio of Exp North Dhalai West South Wage - Material Ratio as per MIS
18 DistrictTarget No of meetings held with date Whether Uploaded in MIS? Status of Submission for 2nd installment Dhalai South West North V&MC Meetings
19 District TargetTotal Social Audit held Statusof releaseof fundsto MBC Shortcomin gs if any Gram Sabha ByMadhya Bharat Chapter Gram Sabha By Madhya Bharat Chapter North Dhalai West South Status of Social Audit by Gram Sabha & Madhya Bharat Chapter
20 District Total IT hardware procured so far Addl requirement if any Connectivity status Remarks Dhalai District wise status of procurement of IT hardware and connectivity
21 District wise status of procurement of IT hardware and connectivity District Total IT hardware procured so far Addl requirement if any Connectivity status Remarks West
22 District wise status of procurement of IT hardware and connectivity District Total IT hardware procured so far Addl requirement if any Connectivity status Status of kiosk installation South
23 District wise status of procurement of IT hardware and connectivity Distric t Total IT hardware procured so far Addl requirement if any Connectivi ty status Remarks North 25583115 4 Nos. connections are not functioning at DMC. Only BHQs are connected at JMP, KDL & PNS. Installation of connection at villages is going on at KDL.
Miscellaneous issues Comprehensive list of roads for all unconnected hamlets and status of empowered committee meeting for finalization of the roads. Setting up of dedicated Data Centre for MIS Data Entry – discussion on existing setup of IT infrastructure vis-à-vis the approved project on ICT upto GP level and requirement of funds. Feedback on Social Audit by MBC Discussion on Roadmap for preparing the Shelf of Project from PRIs Selection of irrigation projects in consultation with PWD(WR). Publication of booklet by line Departments on achievement in MGNREGA. Organizing awareness workshop for all technical staff by DMs. Status of putting up display board for all MGNREGA projects by line departments. Status on preparation of projects for patta holders Status of DPR for banana and pineapple plantation by Horticulture Dept. and plan to revive defunct orchards. Proper utilization of 6% contingency fund for scheme purpose. 24
25 IAY – Financial (upto Nov,2011) DistScheme Total AllocationFund received Expenditure% of Exp CentralStateTotalCentralStateTotal North Normal IAY RoFR IBBF Dhalai Normal IAY RoFR IBBF West Normal IAY RoFR IBBF South Normal IAY RoFR IBBF Addl.IAY Total Normal IAY RoFR IBBF Addl. IAY
IAY – Physical (upto Nov,2011) 26 DistScheme Spilled Over target of 2010-2011 Target of 2011-12 Total target Houses completed up to Oct, 2011 Houses in Progress % of houses completed North Normal IAY RoFR Border Fencing Dhalai Normal IAY RoFR Border Fencing West Normal IAY RoFR Border Fencing South Normal IAY RoFR Border Fencing Total Normal IAY RoFR Border Fencing
27 Miscellaneous issues Restoration of cuts after achieving 75% fund expenditure by Dec’11 Difference between MPR vs MIS Regular updation of MPRs Supply of GCI sheet of prescribed specification.
SGSY- Physical uptoNov. ‘11 28 Dist Formation1 st Gr.CC AC2 nd Gr Sponsored Sanctioned ( in Lakhs) Subsidy Loan Total disbursed TATATATA North DLI West South Total
SGSY – Financial (up to Nov,2011) 29 Dist. Fund ReceivedExpenditure (up to Oct, 2011) ( lakh) CentralState Total Subsidy Revolving fund Training Infra structure others (including others) Total North Dhalai West South Total
30 Miscellaneous issues on SGSY Progress of Data Entry in SGSY MIS and Roadmap for immediate completion Updation of MPR data Preparedness vis-à-vis transition to NRLM / NERLP
SECC, 2011 Progress 31 DistrictBlock Projected population No of households Start date Cumulative achievement so far Avg no of HHs enumerat ed per day Proposed date of completi on of SECC, 2011 Total HHs surveyed % of completi on Total records surveyed % of completio n DLI ABS CMN MNU DBN SLM KMP NP ABS NP TOTAL:
32 DistBlock Projected population No of house -holds Start date Cumulative achievement so far Avg no of HHs enumer ated per day Propose d date of completi on of SECC, 2011 Total HHs surveyed % of com- pletio n Total records surveye d % of compl etion South Amarpur Bokafa Hrishyamukh Kakraban Karbook Killa Matabari Ompi Rajnagar Rupaichhari Satchand UDP NP AMP NP BLN NP SBM NP STB NP Total:83763922820125.643263121.85694 Progress on SECC: South Tripura
33 DistrictBlockProjected population No of households Start date Cumulative achievement so farAvg no of HHs enumerated per day Proposed date of completion of SECC, 2011 Total HHs surveyed % of completion Total records surveyed % of completion North GNR KGT PNS KDL PTL DSD DMC JMP KLS NP KGT NP DMN NP Total SECC Progress: North Tripura
34 DistrictBlockProjected population No of household s Start dateCumulative achievement so farAvg no of HHs enumerated per day Proposed date of completion of SECC, 2011 Total HHs surveyed % of completion Total records surveyed % of completion West BLG BOXN DKL HZM JMP JRN KLNP KTL KHW MDI MLG MNP MGK PDL TLM TLS Total SECC Progress: WestTripura
35 DistrictAMC & NPProjected population No of household s Start dateCumulative achievement so farAvg no of HHs enumerated per day Proposed date of completion of SECC, 2011 Total HHs surveyed % of completion Total records surveyed % of completion West AMC SNM, NP BLG, NP Ranirbazar, NP TLM, NP KHW, NP Total
Miscellaneous issues in SECC Preparedness for 2 nd phase of SECC (Draft publication and Claims & Objections) Ensuring Data Quality (particularly on Caste Census) – role of Supervisors and Charge Officers for correction of anomalies in caste information before draft publication Roadmap for wrapping up 1 st phase of SECC Augmenting the process of Data uploading in NIC Servers Requirement of funds for payment of honorarium as per MoRD guidelines 36
DCC Bills ( lakh) 37 Dist. Amt. of AC Bills pending for adjustment through DCC Bills as on 1.4. 2011 Amt. drawn through AC bills during 2011-12 Total amount of AC Bills (2+3) Amt. of DCC bills submitted upto Oct 2011 Year wise amount of AC Bills still pending for adjustment through DCC bills after submission upto Oct,2011(4-5) Upto 05-06 06-0707-0808-0909-1010-1111-12 123456789101112 Dhalai South North West
Enrolment under UIDAI 38 Enrolment under UIDAI District BlockPopulationEnrolmentBalance Dhalai ABS CMN DBN MNU SLM TOTAL:-
39 Enrolment under UIDAI DistrictBlock PopulationEnrolmentBalanceRemarks South MTB KBN KILLA AMP OMPI KBK BKF STC RPC RJN HRM Total
40 Enrolment under UIDAI DistrictBlockPopulationEnrolmentBalance West BLG BOXN DKL HZM JMP JRN KLNP KTL KHW MDI MLG MNP MGK PDL TLM TLS Total
41 Enrolment under UIDAI DistrictBlockPopulationEnrolmentBalance North DMC DSD GNR JMP KDL KGT PNS PTL Total
Progress of PRIASoft 42 Dist Total Block Total GP / VDC Total GP / VDC Covered Total GP / VDC Un- Covered DLI South West North
43 PENDING POSITION OF U.CS UNDER 13th FC upto Nov.,2011 Name of District. Name implementing officer Total Fund placed UC ReceivedUC Pending West South North Dhalai
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