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New Headteachers Meeting WELCOME. Cllr Ray Gooding Lead Member Education and Lifelong Learning 2.

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Presentation on theme: "New Headteachers Meeting WELCOME. Cllr Ray Gooding Lead Member Education and Lifelong Learning 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Headteachers Meeting WELCOME

2 Cllr Ray Gooding Lead Member Education and Lifelong Learning 2

3 Clare Kershaw Acting Director of Commissioning, Education and Lifelong Learning 3

4 4 2015 Outcomes PhaseEssex Provisional 2015 Essex Actual 2014 % point change (2014 v 2015) Provisional national figures 2015 EY - Good Level of Development6861+766 Phonics – required level Yr. 17874+477 KS1 - % achieving L2B+ Reading8381+282 KS1 - % achieving L2B+ Writing7369+472 KS1 - % achieving L2B+ Maths8381+282 KS2 - % achieving L4 RWM8179+280 KS1 – KS2 expected progress Reading 91 - KS1 – KS2 expected progress Writing9592+394 KS1 – KS2 expected progress Maths9089+190 KS4 - % achieving 5 A*-C GCSE’s including maths and Eng (first outcome) 59.256.5+2.7tbc KS5 - % grades AAB of higher in 2 or more facilitating subjects 13.911.9+2tbc

5 Ofsted 2015 PrimaryPercentage of Primary Schools overall at Aug 2015 1234% good / outstanding %pt change from 2014 Essex (113) 13.6%69%16.2%1.2%82.6%+8.3 England (95) 17.7%67.1%14%1.1%84.8%+3.8 5 SecondaryPercentage of Secondary Schools overall at Aug 2014 1234% good / outstanding %pt change from 2014 Essex (60) 23.3%56.2%17.8%2.7%79.5%+8.3 England (84) 21.6%52.7%20.5%5.2%71.2%+0.4% SpecialPercentage of Special Schools overall at Aug 2014 1234% good / outstanding %pt change from 2014 Essex35%59%0%6%95%+6.1% England901090%+1.4

6 2015/16 Priorities Delivering the SEND Spend to Save Programme Transforming SEND Services in Essex Raising the Attainment of Disadvantaged Pupils Establishing a School-led Improvement System Teacher Recruitment and Retention 6

7 Establishing a School-led Improvement System Strategy Launched January / February 2015 Harlow, Basildon and Tendring continue to develop Project Board established May 2015 Partnership vision and statement approved July 2015 Pump Priming Grants approved First round of applications - end September (9 bids received) Peer Review (primary CfBT early adopters) Secondary Triad Model 7

8 Standards and Excellence Service Secondary, Primary, Inclusion, Virtual School and Music Service Standards and Excellence Commissioner for every school Termly visits to support schools All primary maintained schools (except those in Basildon Excellence Panel) are RAG rated. Support is linked to the LEP Work with the Regional Schools Commissioner on academy performance Close working with ASHE /EPHA and ESSET and Schools Forum Termly ASHE and EPHA meetings for all heads 8

9 Other education services Transport and admissions School planning and expansions Early Years Employability and Skills Statutory Assessment Service and SEN services Youth Service Active Essex 9

10 Essex Virtual School for Children in Care Standards and Excellence Service Cathryn Adams (Virtual School Head) Lead Commissioner for Education of Children in Care & safeguarding

11 Our Shared Priorities Raise attainment and accelerate progress for children in care across all key stages Improve school attendance and reduce exclusion Improve the quality of Personal Education Plans Support school leadership to enhance a shared objective of improving life opportunities through education. 11

12 Virtual School – How we do it… 12

13 Forthcoming Opportunities Autumn Term - Training to improve the quality of Personal Education Plans –November /December 2015 Aspire to Achieve Conference 19 th January 2016 13

14 Welcome to becoming a member of the Virtual School

15 Standards and Excellence SEN Achievement Team

16 16 Lead Commissioner: Our key aim is to support whole-school effectiveness for SEN so that special schools, mainstream schools and specialist enhanced provisions achieve and maintain good or outstanding Ofsted judgements. We aim to ensure that all Essex families have a choice of high quality, successfully inclusive schools for their children to attend whatever their needs may be. EN-Achievement-Team.aspx EN-Achievement-Team.aspx

17 17 An SEN Commissioner for each quadrant: North Mid: These officers are the main Standards and Excellence Commissioner (SEC) link to special schools, PRUs and hospital schools.

18 18 Core advice and guidance for mainstream and mainstream with enhanced provision School effectiveness for SEND around: Leadership, workforce and professional development Performance information, assessment, tracking and self- evaluation Systems, quality first teaching and innovation

19 19 In addition……Key Pan-Essex Projects: SEND Innovation Project - school led innovation initiatives designed to address SEND challenges and promote exemplary outcomes for SEND across Essex. SEND Senior Leadership Programme - Essex Special School Education Trust (ESSET) is being commissioned to develop and deliver an accredited SEND headteacher and senior leadership programme (with UEL). Super SENCO - development of innovative approaches to SEND leadership for schools and clusters of schools. Maximising the Impact of TAs (MITA) – a whole-school exploration of best practice in the deployment and use of TAs leading to improved outcomes for pupils. School Offer (SEND Info Report) - the School Offer steering group is supporting schools to improve the experience of children and their families, with special educational needs

20 Email: extendedservices@kes. extendedservices@kes. Telephone: 01702 545771 ext. 226 What is on offer? Essex school clusters share innovative approaches to SEND education and school effectiveness Hosted by Gareth Morewood – An insight on how to develop cutting edge SEND provision Opportunity to attend workshops on successful SEND innovations Talk to recommended providers – high impact strategies.

21 Essex Education Welfare Service Presentation to new Headteachers Autumn 2015 Julie Weddell County Manager, Education Welfare, School Attendance & Child Employment

22 Role of Essex EWS Safeguarding Childrens education - Enforcement service Issue penalty notices if meet code of conduct Investigate if a crime committed Collate evidence Prepare cases and present in magistrates court Education Supervision Orders Safeguarding children in employment & entertainment Challenge illegal practice School Attendance Orders Advice – duty line 22

23 Education Welfare Service Whole school attendance advice – bespoke for high need schools and attendance workshops Child Employment – work permits – 13 years and over Children in Entertainment – licences Children missing education – checks Elective Home Education 23

24 Referrals to EWS Is EWS the appropriate agency? Parents aware of school’s decision to refer to the Education Welfare Service – implications of this – caution, penalty notice, prosecution Clearly evidenced early intervention work Criteria 8 unauthorised absence sessions within a 4 week period – need necessary evidence of pre-referral Warning letter to be sent advising penalty notice will be issued if code of conduct criteria met 10 unauthorised absences within 6 week period OR School Attendance Meeting convened 24

25 Evidence required from schools Pre-referral work (examples): First day contact logs / telephone call logs Clearly dated correspondence from the school to each parent raising concerns about absence – evidence of attempts to meet with parent to try to resolve any issues which may be causing the absences – recent (not just months ago) Notes of meeting(s) held / home visits made to discuss attendance concerns Referrals made to other agencies (e.g. safeguarding concerns) Need to warn parent that a referral to Essex EWS is being considered and that absences are not being authorised – request medical evidence to enable authorisation 25

26 Essex: Moving in the right direction Autumn 2014 Secondary League Position of: Auth % Unauth % Overall % 151 LAs 11 SNs PA (15%) 151 LAs 11 SNs Essex3.911.024.936955.37431 East Region3.980.964.9464 5.6160 Stat. Neighbours4.140.955.0882 6.0180 England3.941.125.0676 6.0976 26 Comparison of Autumn/Spring Term data for 2013/14 and 2014/15 shows a decrease in the number of PAs within Essex from 4420 to 3561.

27 27 MidNorth East Tele0300 013 99440333 013 9983 AddressEducation Welfare Service, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree, Essex CM7 9HB Jo Hickey SEWO Education Welfare Service, Magnet House Jackson Road, Clacton on Sea Essex CO15 1JD Kay Chapman SEWO SouthWest Tele0333 013 98450333 013 9910 AddressEducation Welfare Service, Ely House, Churchill Avenue, Basildon, Essex SS14 2BQ Sue Elliott SEWO Education Welfare Service, Goodman House, Station Approach, Harlow, Essex CM20 2ET Cheryl Vickers – SEWO

28 28 Essex Schools Info link /EducationWelfareService.aspx uk telephone: 033301 31089 - Legal Intervention - Whole school attendance improvement – Children Missing Education – Child Employment & Entertainment /EducationWelfareService.aspx

29 Informal Networking with LA Lead Officers and Peer Headteachers

30 30 Head of Commissioning and Delivery Education and Lifelong Learning (Standards and Excellence) Acting Director of Commissioning, Education and Lifelong Learning Clare Kershaw Standards and Excellence Lead Commissioner Primary – Mid Alison Fiala – Monitoring and Evaluation Standards and Excellence Lead Commissioner Primary – South Lisa Fergus Interventions Standards and Excellence Lead Commissioner Primary - North East Graham Lancaster Leadership Standards and Excellence Lead Commissioner Primary – West Nicola Woolf Innovation and Partnerships SES Lead Performance Analyst & BC Champion / ELL BC Alternate Heather Faulkner Standards and Excellence Lead Commissioner Secondary Lyn Wright Standards and Excellence Lead Commissioner Inclusion Liz Cornish Standards and Excellence Lead Commissioner Children in Care and Safeguarding Cathryn Adams SES Apprentice Alex Pyke (July 15 – July 16) Standards and Excellence Leadership Team

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