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Mineral Resources I Diego R. Abaya. Natural Resources Natural resources are materials provided by the Earth that humans can use to make more complex products.

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Presentation on theme: "Mineral Resources I Diego R. Abaya. Natural Resources Natural resources are materials provided by the Earth that humans can use to make more complex products."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mineral Resources I Diego R. Abaya

2 Natural Resources Natural resources are materials provided by the Earth that humans can use to make more complex products. Natural resources are segregated into two types. -Renewable - Non-Renewable

3 Renewable Resource fresh water solar energy timber biomass oxygen

4 Non-Renewable Resources Crude oilNatural Gas UraniumCoal

5 Types of Mineral Resources: Minerals in general have been categorized into three classes’ fuel, metallic and non- metallic. Ore A rock which a valuable or useful substance occur at a high concentration where it is economically viable to mine Mineral resources

6 Metallic resources Uses -Iron Buildings, hips, road vehicles, appliance cases, -Aluminum Packaging, vehicles, windows frames etc. -Copper Electric cables, wires, water pipes -Chromium Stainless steel I.Metallic mineral are those minerals which can be melted to obtain new products. II.When hit, they do not get broken. IRON, ALUMINUM, COPPER AND CHROMIUM

7 Non-metallic resources SAND, GRAVEL, LIMESTONE, GRANITE AND SLATE Uses Sand Builders’ mortar, glass Gravel Concrete Limestone Building blocks, roads, glass Granite Blocks, tiles Slate Roof slates I.Non-metallic minerals are those which do not yield new products on melting. II.When hit, they may get broken into pieces.

8 The final water-rich residue of granitic intrusions. Enriched in “reject” elements. Ex. Silica, Water, Lithium, Tantalum, Niobium, Boron, Beryllium, Gold, and Uranium. Common or simple pegmatites contain typical granite minerals plus black tourmaline. Lepidolite mica typical indicator of complex pegmatites. Sources of gems, mica, feldspar, lithium, rare earths. (including col-tan) Pegmatites

9 Hydrothermal Solutions Hydrothermal activity is the circulation of water through hot volcanic rocks and magma. This process dissolves minerals in to smaller bits. Forms fumaroles- volcanic vents emitting gases, some charged with dissolved minerals.

10 A vein-type deposit is a fairly well defined zone of mineralization. It is usually inclined and discordant, which is typically narrow compared to its length and depth. Most vein deposits occur in fault or fissure openings or in shear zones within country rock Vein Deposits

11 disseminated deposit Deposit in which usually fine- grained ore minerals are scattered throughout the rock. Large, disseminated deposits form important sources of ore. disseminated deposit

12 Building material is any material which is used for construction purposes. Many naturally occurring substances, such as minerals are used. Building materials MINERALSHOUSEHOLD ITEM Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Chrome, Clay, Iron Plumbing Fixtures Stone, Brick, Iron Fireplace, Stove, Furnace Limestone, Clay, Shale, Gypsum, Aggregate Foundation, Driveway Trona, Silica, FeldsparWindows (Glass)

13 Typical examples of industrial rocks and minerals. -Limestone -Clays -Sand -Gravel -Diatomite kaolin -Bentonite -Silica Some examples of applications for industrial minerals -Construction -Ceramics -Paints -Electronics -Filtration -Plastics -Glass Industrial minerals are geological materials which are mined for their commercial value. They are used in their natural state or after beneficiation either as raw materials or as additives in a wide range of applications. Industrial minerals

14 References

15 1. What is a disseminated deposit 2. What happens to minerals in hydrothermal activity. 3. Name one metallic mineral. 4-5. Name two non-metallic minerals. Quiz 27 Mineral Resources I

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